| FirewireWinDCAM (const char *portName, const char *camid, int maxBuffers, size_t maxMemory, int priority, int stackSize) |
| Constructor for the FirewireWinDCAM class Initialises the camera object by setting all the default parameters and initializing the camera hardware with it.
virtual asynStatus | writeInt32 (asynUser *pasynUser, epicsInt32 value) |
| Sets an int32 parameter.
virtual asynStatus | writeFloat64 (asynUser *pasynUser, epicsFloat64 value) |
| Sets an float64 parameter.
void | report (FILE *fp, int details) |
| Print out a report; calls ADDriver::report to get base class report as well.
void | imageGrabTask () |
| This should be private but is called from C callback function, must be public.
| ADDriver (const char *portName, int maxAddr, int numParams, int maxBuffers, size_t maxMemory, int interfaceMask, int interruptMask, int asynFlags, int autoConnect, int priority, int stackSize) |
| All of the arguments are simply passed to the constructor for the asynNDArrayDriver base class, except numParams.
virtual asynStatus | connect (asynUser *pasynUser) |
| Connects driver to device; This method is called when the driver's pasynCommon->connect() function is called.
virtual void | setShutter (int open) |
| Set the shutter position.
| asynNDArrayDriver (const char *portName, int maxAddr, int maxBuffers, size_t maxMemory, int interfaceMask, int interruptMask, int asynFlags, int autoConnect, int priority, int stackSize) |
| This is the constructor for the asynNDArrayDriver class.
virtual | ~asynNDArrayDriver () |
virtual asynStatus | writeOctet (asynUser *pasynUser, const char *value, size_t maxChars, size_t *nActual) |
| Called when asyn clients call pasynOctet->write().
virtual asynStatus | readGenericPointer (asynUser *pasynUser, void *genericPointer) |
| This method copies an NDArray object from the asynNDArrayDriver to an NDArray pointer passed in by the caller.
virtual asynStatus | writeGenericPointer (asynUser *pasynUser, void *genericPointer) |
| This method currently does nothing, but it should be implemented in this base class.
virtual asynStatus | setIntegerParam (int index, int value) |
| Sets the value for an integer in the parameter library.
virtual asynStatus | setIntegerParam (int list, int index, int value) |
| Sets the value for an integer in the parameter library.
virtual asynStatus | createFilePath (const char *path, int pathDepth) |
| Function to create a directory path for a file.
virtual asynStatus | checkPath () |
| Checks whether the directory specified NDFilePath parameter exists.
virtual bool | checkPath (std::string &filePath) |
| Checks whether the directory specified exists.
virtual asynStatus | createFileName (int maxChars, char *fullFileName) |
| Build a file name from component parts.
virtual asynStatus | createFileName (int maxChars, char *filePath, char *fileName) |
| Build a file name from component parts.
virtual asynStatus | readNDAttributesFile () |
| Create this driver's NDAttributeList (pAttributeList) by reading an XML file This clears any existing attributes from this drivers' NDAttributeList and then creates a new list based on the XML file.
virtual asynStatus | getAttributes (NDAttributeList *pAttributeList) |
| Get the current values of attributes from this driver and appends them to an output attribute list.
virtual void | updateTimeStamps (NDArray *pArray) |
asynStatus | incrementQueuedArrayCount () |
asynStatus | decrementQueuedArrayCount () |
int | getQueuedArrayCount () |
void | updateQueuedArrayCount () |
int | FDC_feat_val |
int | FDC_feat_val_max |
int | FDC_feat_val_min |
| Feature maximum boundry value (int32 read) addr: 0-17.
int | FDC_feat_val_abs |
| Feature minimum boundry value (int32 read) addr: 0-17.
int | FDC_feat_val_abs_max |
| Feature absolute value (float64 read/write) addr: 0-17.
int | FDC_feat_val_abs_min |
| Feature absolute maximum boundry value (float64 read) addr: 0-17.
int | FDC_feat_mode |
| Feature absolute minimum boundry value (float64 read) addr: 0-17.
int | FDC_feat_available |
| Feature control mode: 0:manual or 1:automatic (camera controlled) (int32 read/write)
int | FDC_feat_absolute |
| Is a given featurea available in the camera 1=available 0=not available (int32, read)
int | FDC_format |
| Feature has absolute (floating point) controls available 1=available 0=not available (int32 read)
int | FDC_mode |
| Set and read back the video format (int32 (enums) read/write)
int | FDC_framerate |
| Set and read back the video mode (int32 (enums) read/write)
int | FDC_colorcode |
| Set and read back the frame rate (int32 (enums) read/write)
int | FDC_valid_format |
| Set and read back the color code (int32 (enums) read/write)
int | FDC_valid_mode |
| Read back the valid video formats (octet, read)
int | FDC_valid_framerate |
| Read back the valid video modes (octet, read)
int | FDC_valid_colorcode |
| Read back the valid frame rates (octet, read)
int | FDC_has_format |
| Read back the valid color codes (octet, read)
int | FDC_has_mode |
| Read back whether video format is supported (int32, read)
int | FDC_has_framerate |
| Read back whether video mode is supported (int32, read)
int | FDC_has_colorcode |
| Read back whether video framerate is supported (int32, read)
int | FDC_current_format |
| Read back whether color code is supported (int32, read)
int | FDC_current_mode |
| Read back the current video format (octet, read)
int | FDC_current_framerate |
| Read back the current video mode (octet, read)
int | FDC_current_colorcode |
| Read back the current frame rate (octet, read)
int | FDC_readout_time |
| Read back the current color mcde (octet, read)
int | FDC_dropped_frames |
| Readout time (float64, read/write)
int | ADGain |
int | ADBinX |
int | ADBinY |
int | ADMinX |
int | ADMinY |
int | ADSizeX |
int | ADSizeY |
int | ADMaxSizeX |
int | ADMaxSizeY |
int | ADReverseX |
int | ADReverseY |
int | ADFrameType |
int | ADImageMode |
int | ADNumExposures |
int | ADNumExposuresCounter |
int | ADNumImages |
int | ADNumImagesCounter |
int | ADAcquireTime |
int | ADAcquirePeriod |
int | ADTimeRemaining |
int | ADStatus |
int | ADTriggerMode |
int | ADShutterControl |
int | ADShutterControlEPICS |
int | ADShutterStatus |
int | ADShutterMode |
int | ADShutterOpenDelay |
int | ADShutterCloseDelay |
int | ADTemperature |
int | ADTemperatureActual |
int | ADReadStatus |
int | ADStatusMessage |
int | ADStringToServer |
int | ADStringFromServer |
bool | deviceIsReachable |
int | NDPortNameSelf |
int | NDADCoreVersion |
int | NDDriverVersion |
int | ADManufacturer |
int | ADModel |
int | ADSerialNumber |
int | ADSDKVersion |
int | ADFirmwareVersion |
int | ADAcquire |
int | ADAcquireBusy |
int | ADWaitForPlugins |
int | NDArraySizeX |
int | NDArraySizeY |
int | NDArraySizeZ |
int | NDArraySize |
int | NDNDimensions |
int | NDDimensions |
int | NDDataType |
int | NDColorMode |
int | NDUniqueId |
int | NDTimeStamp |
int | NDEpicsTSSec |
int | NDEpicsTSNsec |
int | NDBayerPattern |
int | NDCodec |
int | NDCompressedSize |
int | NDArrayCounter |
int | NDFilePath |
int | NDFilePathExists |
int | NDFileName |
int | NDFileNumber |
int | NDFileTemplate |
int | NDAutoIncrement |
int | NDFullFileName |
int | NDFileFormat |
int | NDAutoSave |
int | NDWriteFile |
int | NDReadFile |
int | NDFileWriteMode |
int | NDFileWriteStatus |
int | NDFileWriteMessage |
int | NDFileNumCapture |
int | NDFileNumCaptured |
int | NDFileFreeCapture |
int | NDFileCapture |
int | NDFileDeleteDriverFile |
int | NDFileLazyOpen |
int | NDFileCreateDir |
int | NDFileTempSuffix |
int | NDAttributesFile |
int | NDAttributesStatus |
int | NDAttributesMacros |
int | NDArrayData |
int | NDArrayCallbacks |
int | NDPoolMaxBuffers |
int | NDPoolAllocBuffers |
int | NDPoolPreAllocBuffers |
int | NDPoolNumPreAllocBuffers |
int | NDPoolFreeBuffers |
int | NDPoolMaxMemory |
int | NDPoolUsedMemory |
int | NDPoolEmptyFreeList |
int | NDPoolPollStats |
int | NDNumQueuedArrays |
class NDArray ** | pArrays |
| An array of NDArray pointers used to store data in the driver.
class NDAttributeList * | pAttributeList |
| An NDAttributeList object used to obtain the current values of a set of attributes.
int | threadStackSize_ |
int | threadPriority_ |
Main driver class inherited from areaDetectors ADDriver class.
One instance of this class will control one firewire camera on the bus.