areaDetector 3-14
EPICS areaDetector framework
Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
NDPluginStats Class Reference

Does image statistics. More...

#include <NDPluginStats.h>

Inheritance diagram for NDPluginStats:
NDPluginDriver asynNDArrayDriver

Public Member Functions

 NDPluginStats (const char *portName, int queueSize, int blockingCallbacks, const char *NDArrayPort, int NDArrayAddr, int maxBuffers, size_t maxMemory, int priority, int stackSize, int maxThreads=1)
 Constructor for NDPluginStats; most parameters are simply passed to NDPluginDriver::NDPluginDriver.
void processCallbacks (NDArray *pArray)
 Callback function that is called by the NDArray driver with new NDArray data.
asynStatus writeInt32 (asynUser *pasynUser, epicsInt32 value)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynInt32->write().
asynStatus writeFloat64 (asynUser *pasynUser, epicsFloat64 value)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynFloat64->write().
template<typename epicsType >
void doComputeStatisticsT (NDArray *pArray, NDStats_t *pStats)
int doComputeStatistics (NDArray *pArray, NDStats_t *pStats)
template<typename epicsType >
asynStatus doComputeCentroidT (NDArray *pArray, NDStats_t *pStats)
asynStatus doComputeCentroid (NDArray *pArray, NDStats_t *pStats)
template<typename epicsType >
asynStatus doComputeProfilesT (NDArray *pArray, NDStats_t *pStats)
asynStatus doComputeProfiles (NDArray *pArray, NDStats_t *pStats)
template<typename epicsType >
asynStatus doComputeHistogramT (NDArray *pArray, NDStats_t *pStats)
asynStatus doComputeHistogram (NDArray *pArray, NDStats_t *pStats)
- Public Member Functions inherited from NDPluginDriver
 NDPluginDriver (const char *portName, int queueSize, int blockingCallbacks, const char *NDArrayPort, int NDArrayAddr, int maxAddr, int maxBuffers, size_t maxMemory, int interfaceMask, int interruptMask, int asynFlags, int autoConnect, int priority, int stackSize, int maxThreads, bool compressionAware=false)
 Constructor for NDPluginDriver; most parameters are simply passed to asynNDArrayDriver::asynNDArrayDriver.
 ~NDPluginDriver ()
virtual asynStatus writeOctet (asynUser *pasynUser, const char *value, size_t maxChars, size_t *nActual)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynOctet->write().
virtual asynStatus readInt32Array (asynUser *pasynUser, epicsInt32 *value, size_t nElements, size_t *nIn)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynInt32Array->read().
virtual void driverCallback (asynUser *pasynUser, void *genericPointer)
 Method that is called from the driver with a new NDArray.
virtual void run (void)
 Starts the thread that receives NDArrays from the epicsMessageQueue.
virtual asynStatus start (void)
 Starts the plugin threads.
void sortingTask ()
 Method runs as a separate thread, periodically doing NDArray callbacks to downstream plugins.
- Public Member Functions inherited from asynNDArrayDriver
 asynNDArrayDriver (const char *portName, int maxAddr, int maxBuffers, size_t maxMemory, int interfaceMask, int interruptMask, int asynFlags, int autoConnect, int priority, int stackSize)
 This is the constructor for the asynNDArrayDriver class.
virtual ~asynNDArrayDriver ()
virtual asynStatus readGenericPointer (asynUser *pasynUser, void *genericPointer)
 This method copies an NDArray object from the asynNDArrayDriver to an NDArray pointer passed in by the caller.
virtual asynStatus writeGenericPointer (asynUser *pasynUser, void *genericPointer)
 This method currently does nothing, but it should be implemented in this base class.
virtual asynStatus setIntegerParam (int index, int value)
 Sets the value for an integer in the parameter library.
virtual asynStatus setIntegerParam (int list, int index, int value)
 Sets the value for an integer in the parameter library.
virtual void report (FILE *fp, int details)
 Report status of the driver.
virtual asynStatus createFilePath (const char *path, int pathDepth)
 Function to create a directory path for a file.
virtual asynStatus checkPath ()
 Checks whether the directory specified NDFilePath parameter exists.
virtual bool checkPath (std::string &filePath)
 Checks whether the directory specified exists.
virtual asynStatus createFileName (int maxChars, char *fullFileName)
 Build a file name from component parts.
virtual asynStatus createFileName (int maxChars, char *filePath, char *fileName)
 Build a file name from component parts.
virtual asynStatus readNDAttributesFile ()
 Create this driver's NDAttributeList (pAttributeList) by reading an XML file This clears any existing attributes from this drivers' NDAttributeList and then creates a new list based on the XML file.
virtual asynStatus getAttributes (NDAttributeList *pAttributeList)
 Get the current values of attributes from this driver and appends them to an output attribute list.
virtual void updateTimeStamps (NDArray *pArray)
asynStatus incrementQueuedArrayCount ()
asynStatus decrementQueuedArrayCount ()
int getQueuedArrayCount ()
void updateQueuedArrayCount ()

Protected Attributes

int NDPluginStatsComputeStatistics
int NDPluginStatsBgdWidth
int NDPluginStatsMinValue
int NDPluginStatsMinX
int NDPluginStatsMinY
int NDPluginStatsMaxValue
int NDPluginStatsMaxX
int NDPluginStatsMaxY
int NDPluginStatsMeanValue
int NDPluginStatsSigmaValue
int NDPluginStatsTotal
int NDPluginStatsNet
int NDPluginStatsComputeCentroid
int NDPluginStatsCentroidThreshold
int NDPluginStatsCentroidTotal
int NDPluginStatsCentroidX
int NDPluginStatsCentroidY
int NDPluginStatsSigmaX
int NDPluginStatsSigmaY
int NDPluginStatsSigmaXY
int NDPluginStatsSkewX
int NDPluginStatsSkewY
int NDPluginStatsKurtosisX
int NDPluginStatsKurtosisY
int NDPluginStatsEccentricity
int NDPluginStatsOrientation
int NDPluginStatsComputeProfiles
int NDPluginStatsProfileSizeX
int NDPluginStatsProfileSizeY
int NDPluginStatsCursorX
int NDPluginStatsCursorY
int NDPluginStatsCursorVal
int NDPluginStatsProfileAverageX
int NDPluginStatsProfileAverageY
int NDPluginStatsProfileThresholdX
int NDPluginStatsProfileThresholdY
int NDPluginStatsProfileCentroidX
int NDPluginStatsProfileCentroidY
int NDPluginStatsProfileCursorX
int NDPluginStatsProfileCursorY
int NDPluginStatsComputeHistogram
int NDPluginStatsHistSize
int NDPluginStatsHistMin
int NDPluginStatsHistMax
int NDPluginStatsHistBelow
int NDPluginStatsHistAbove
int NDPluginStatsHistEntropy
int NDPluginStatsHistArray
int NDPluginStatsHistXArray
- Protected Attributes inherited from NDPluginDriver
int NDPluginDriverArrayPort
int NDPluginDriverArrayAddr
int NDPluginDriverPluginType
int NDPluginDriverDroppedArrays
int NDPluginDriverQueueSize
int NDPluginDriverQueueFree
int NDPluginDriverMaxThreads
int NDPluginDriverNumThreads
int NDPluginDriverSortMode
int NDPluginDriverSortTime
int NDPluginDriverSortSize
int NDPluginDriverSortFree
int NDPluginDriverDisorderedArrays
int NDPluginDriverDroppedOutputArrays
int NDPluginDriverEnableCallbacks
int NDPluginDriverBlockingCallbacks
int NDPluginDriverProcessPlugin
int NDPluginDriverExecutionTime
int NDPluginDriverMinCallbackTime
int NDPluginDriverMaxByteRate
- Protected Attributes inherited from asynNDArrayDriver
int NDPortNameSelf
int NDADCoreVersion
int NDDriverVersion
int ADManufacturer
int ADModel
int ADSerialNumber
int ADSDKVersion
int ADFirmwareVersion
int ADAcquire
int ADAcquireBusy
int ADWaitForPlugins
int NDArraySizeX
int NDArraySizeY
int NDArraySizeZ
int NDArraySize
int NDNDimensions
int NDDimensions
int NDDataType
int NDColorMode
int NDUniqueId
int NDTimeStamp
int NDEpicsTSSec
int NDEpicsTSNsec
int NDBayerPattern
int NDCodec
int NDCompressedSize
int NDArrayCounter
int NDFilePath
int NDFilePathExists
int NDFileName
int NDFileNumber
int NDFileTemplate
int NDAutoIncrement
int NDFullFileName
int NDFileFormat
int NDAutoSave
int NDWriteFile
int NDReadFile
int NDFileWriteMode
int NDFileWriteStatus
int NDFileWriteMessage
int NDFileNumCapture
int NDFileNumCaptured
int NDFileFreeCapture
int NDFileCapture
int NDFileDeleteDriverFile
int NDFileLazyOpen
int NDFileCreateDir
int NDFileTempSuffix
int NDAttributesFile
int NDAttributesStatus
int NDAttributesMacros
int NDArrayData
int NDArrayCallbacks
int NDPoolMaxBuffers
int NDPoolAllocBuffers
int NDPoolPreAllocBuffers
int NDPoolNumPreAllocBuffers
int NDPoolFreeBuffers
int NDPoolMaxMemory
int NDPoolUsedMemory
int NDPoolEmptyFreeList
int NDPoolPollStats
int NDNumQueuedArrays
class NDArray ** pArrays
 An array of NDArray pointers used to store data in the driver.
class NDAttributeListpAttributeList
 An NDAttributeList object used to obtain the current values of a set of attributes.
int threadStackSize_
int threadPriority_

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from asynNDArrayDriver
class NDArrayPoolpNDArrayPool
 An NDArrayPool pointer that is initialized to pNDArrayPoolPvt_ in the constructor.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from NDPluginDriver
virtual void beginProcessCallbacks (NDArray *pArray)
 Method that is normally called at the beginning of the processCallbacks method in derived classes.
virtual asynStatus endProcessCallbacks (NDArray *pArray, bool copyArray=false, bool readAttributes=true)
 Method that is normally called at the end of the processCallbacks()) method in derived classes.
virtual asynStatus connectToArrayPort (void)
 Connect this plugin to an NDArray port driver; disconnect from any existing driver first, register for callbacks if enabled.
virtual asynStatus setArrayInterrupt (int connect)
 Register or unregister to receive asynGenericPointer (NDArray) callbacks from the driver.
bool throttled (NDArray *pArray)

Detailed Description

Does image statistics.

These include Min, max, mean, sigma X and Y centroid and sigma Histogram

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ NDPluginStats()

NDPluginStats::NDPluginStats ( const char *  portName,
int  queueSize,
int  blockingCallbacks,
const char *  NDArrayPort,
int  NDArrayAddr,
int  maxBuffers,
size_t  maxMemory,
int  priority,
int  stackSize,
int  maxThreads = 1 

Constructor for NDPluginStats; most parameters are simply passed to NDPluginDriver::NDPluginDriver.

After calling the base class constructor this method sets reasonable default values for all of the parameters.

[in]portNameThe name of the asyn port driver to be created.
[in]queueSizeThe number of NDArrays that the input queue for this plugin can hold when NDPluginDriverBlockingCallbacks=0. Larger queues can decrease the number of dropped arrays, at the expense of more NDArray buffers being allocated from the underlying driver's NDArrayPool.
[in]blockingCallbacksInitial setting for the NDPluginDriverBlockingCallbacks flag. 0=callbacks are queued and executed by the callback thread; 1 callbacks execute in the thread of the driver doing the callbacks.
[in]NDArrayPortName of asyn port driver for initial source of NDArray callbacks.
[in]NDArrayAddrasyn port driver address for initial source of NDArray callbacks.
[in]maxBuffersThe maximum number of NDArray buffers that the NDArrayPool for this driver is allowed to allocate. Set this to -1 to allow an unlimited number of buffers.
[in]maxMemoryThe maximum amount of memory that the NDArrayPool for this driver is allowed to allocate. Set this to -1 to allow an unlimited amount of memory.
[in]priorityThe thread priority for the asyn port driver thread if ASYN_CANBLOCK is set in asynFlags.
[in]stackSizeThe stack size for the asyn port driver thread if ASYN_CANBLOCK is set in asynFlags.
[in]maxThreadsThe maximum number of threads this driver is allowed to use. If 0 then 1 will be used.

Member Function Documentation

◆ doComputeCentroid()

asynStatus NDPluginStats::doComputeCentroid ( NDArray pArray,
NDStats_t pStats 

◆ doComputeCentroidT()

template<typename epicsType >
asynStatus NDPluginStats::doComputeCentroidT ( NDArray pArray,
NDStats_t pStats 

◆ doComputeHistogram()

asynStatus NDPluginStats::doComputeHistogram ( NDArray pArray,
NDStats_t pStats 

◆ doComputeHistogramT()

template<typename epicsType >
asynStatus NDPluginStats::doComputeHistogramT ( NDArray pArray,
NDStats_t pStats 

◆ doComputeProfiles()

asynStatus NDPluginStats::doComputeProfiles ( NDArray pArray,
NDStats_t pStats 

◆ doComputeProfilesT()

template<typename epicsType >
asynStatus NDPluginStats::doComputeProfilesT ( NDArray pArray,
NDStats_t pStats 

◆ doComputeStatistics()

int NDPluginStats::doComputeStatistics ( NDArray pArray,
NDStats_t pStats 

◆ doComputeStatisticsT()

template<typename epicsType >
void NDPluginStats::doComputeStatisticsT ( NDArray pArray,
NDStats_t pStats 

◆ processCallbacks()

void NDPluginStats::processCallbacks ( NDArray pArray)

Callback function that is called by the NDArray driver with new NDArray data.

Does image statistics.

[in]pArrayThe NDArray from the callback.

Implements NDPluginDriver.

◆ writeFloat64()

asynStatus NDPluginStats::writeFloat64 ( asynUser *  pasynUser,
epicsFloat64  value 

Called when asyn clients call pasynFloat64->write().

This function performs actions for some parameters. For all parameters it sets the value in the parameter library and calls any registered callbacks..

[in]pasynUserpasynUser structure that encodes the reason and address.
[in]valueValue to write.

Reimplemented from NDPluginDriver.

◆ writeInt32()

asynStatus NDPluginStats::writeInt32 ( asynUser *  pasynUser,
epicsInt32  value 

Called when asyn clients call pasynInt32->write().

This function performs actions for some parameters. For all parameters it sets the value in the parameter library and calls any registered callbacks..

[in]pasynUserpasynUser structure that encodes the reason and address.
[in]valueValue to write.

Reimplemented from NDPluginDriver.

Member Data Documentation

◆ NDPluginStatsBgdWidth

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsBgdWidth

◆ NDPluginStatsCentroidThreshold

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsCentroidThreshold

◆ NDPluginStatsCentroidTotal

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsCentroidTotal

◆ NDPluginStatsCentroidX

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsCentroidX

◆ NDPluginStatsCentroidY

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsCentroidY

◆ NDPluginStatsComputeCentroid

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsComputeCentroid

◆ NDPluginStatsComputeHistogram

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsComputeHistogram

◆ NDPluginStatsComputeProfiles

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsComputeProfiles

◆ NDPluginStatsComputeStatistics

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsComputeStatistics

◆ NDPluginStatsCursorVal

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsCursorVal

◆ NDPluginStatsCursorX

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsCursorX

◆ NDPluginStatsCursorY

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsCursorY

◆ NDPluginStatsEccentricity

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsEccentricity

◆ NDPluginStatsHistAbove

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsHistAbove

◆ NDPluginStatsHistArray

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsHistArray

◆ NDPluginStatsHistBelow

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsHistBelow

◆ NDPluginStatsHistEntropy

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsHistEntropy

◆ NDPluginStatsHistMax

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsHistMax

◆ NDPluginStatsHistMin

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsHistMin

◆ NDPluginStatsHistSize

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsHistSize

◆ NDPluginStatsHistXArray

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsHistXArray

◆ NDPluginStatsKurtosisX

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsKurtosisX

◆ NDPluginStatsKurtosisY

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsKurtosisY

◆ NDPluginStatsMaxValue

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsMaxValue

◆ NDPluginStatsMaxX

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsMaxX

◆ NDPluginStatsMaxY

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsMaxY

◆ NDPluginStatsMeanValue

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsMeanValue

◆ NDPluginStatsMinValue

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsMinValue

◆ NDPluginStatsMinX

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsMinX

◆ NDPluginStatsMinY

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsMinY

◆ NDPluginStatsNet

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsNet

◆ NDPluginStatsOrientation

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsOrientation

◆ NDPluginStatsProfileAverageX

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsProfileAverageX

◆ NDPluginStatsProfileAverageY

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsProfileAverageY

◆ NDPluginStatsProfileCentroidX

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsProfileCentroidX

◆ NDPluginStatsProfileCentroidY

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsProfileCentroidY

◆ NDPluginStatsProfileCursorX

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsProfileCursorX

◆ NDPluginStatsProfileCursorY

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsProfileCursorY

◆ NDPluginStatsProfileSizeX

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsProfileSizeX

◆ NDPluginStatsProfileSizeY

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsProfileSizeY

◆ NDPluginStatsProfileThresholdX

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsProfileThresholdX

◆ NDPluginStatsProfileThresholdY

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsProfileThresholdY

◆ NDPluginStatsSigmaValue

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsSigmaValue

◆ NDPluginStatsSigmaX

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsSigmaX

◆ NDPluginStatsSigmaXY

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsSigmaXY

◆ NDPluginStatsSigmaY

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsSigmaY

◆ NDPluginStatsSkewX

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsSkewX

◆ NDPluginStatsSkewY

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsSkewY

◆ NDPluginStatsTotal

int NDPluginStats::NDPluginStatsTotal

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: