areaDetector 3-14
EPICS areaDetector framework
Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
SpecsAnalyser Class Reference

#include <specsAnalyser.h>

Inheritance diagram for SpecsAnalyser:
ADDriver asynNDArrayDriver

Public Member Functions

 SpecsAnalyser (const char *portName, const char *driverPort, int maxBuffers, size_t maxMemory, int priority, int stackSize)
virtual ~SpecsAnalyser ()
 specsAnalyser destructor
void specsAnalyserTask ()
 Task to listen to the SPECS prodigy application and update the higher level software.
asynStatus makeConnection ()
asynStatus connect ()
asynStatus disconnect ()
asynStatus readEnum (asynUser *pasynUser, char *strings[], int values[], int severities[], size_t nElements, size_t *nIn)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynEnum->read().
asynStatus writeInt32 (asynUser *pasynUser, epicsInt32 value)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynInt32->write().
asynStatus writeFloat64 (asynUser *pasynUser, epicsFloat64 value)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynFloat64->write().
asynStatus validateSpectrum ()
 Validate the currently defined spectrum.
asynStatus defineSpectrumFAT ()
 Define a Fixed Analyser Transmission spectrum.
asynStatus defineSpectrumSFAT ()
 Define a Snapshot Fixed Analyser Transmission spectrum.
asynStatus defineSpectrumFRR ()
asynStatus defineSpectrumFE ()
asynStatus readAcquisitionData (int startIndex, int endIndex, std::vector< double > &values)
asynStatus sendStartCommand (bool safeAfter)
 Send the start command to the analyser.
asynStatus sendSimpleCommand (const std::string &command, std::map< std::string, std::string > *data=NULL)
 Method for sending a simple command (no parameters) that will check the error status and do the right thing.
asynStatus readDeviceVisibleName ()
 This method queries the analyser for its device name to populate the ADModel parameter.
asynStatus setupEPICSParameters ()
 This method sets up the analyser parameters that are not known prior to connecting to the device.
asynStatus getAnalyserParameterType (const std::string &name, SPECSValueType_t &value)
asynStatus getAnalyserParameter (const std::string &name, int &value)
asynStatus getAnalyserParameter (const std::string &name, double &value)
asynStatus getAnalyserParameter (const std::string &name, std::string &value)
asynStatus getAnalyserParameter (const std::string &name, bool &value)
asynStatus setAnalyserParameter (const std::string &name, int value)
asynStatus setAnalyserParameter (const std::string &name, double value)
asynStatus setAnalyserParameter (const std::string &name, std::string value)
asynStatus readIntegerData (std::map< std::string, std::string > data, const std::string &name, int &value)
asynStatus readDoubleData (std::map< std::string, std::string > data, const std::string &name, double &value)
asynStatus readSpectrumParameter (int param)
asynStatus readRunModes ()
asynStatus readSpectrumDataInfo (SPECSDataInfoParam_t param)
 Send the GetSpectrumDataInfo method to query the spectrum metadata.
asynStatus asynPortConnect (const char *port, int addr, asynUser **ppasynUser, const char *inputEos, const char *outputEos)
 Connect to the underlying low level Asyn port that is used for comms.
asynStatus asynPortDisconnect (asynUser *pasynUser)
asynStatus commandResponse (const std::string &command, std::string &response, std::map< std::string, std::string > &data)
 This sends a command to the device and parses the response.
asynStatus asynWriteRead (const char *command, char *response)
 Wrapper for asynOctetSyncIO write/read functions.
asynStatus cleanString (std::string &str, const std::string &search=": \n", int where=0)
 Utility function, returns strings with unwanted characters stripped.
asynStatus initDebugger (int initDebug)
asynStatus debugLevel (const std::string &method, int onOff)
asynStatus debug (const std::string &method, const std::string &msg)
asynStatus debug (const std::string &method, const std::string &msg, int value)
asynStatus debug (const std::string &method, const std::string &msg, double value)
asynStatus debug (const std::string &method, const std::string &msg, const std::string &value)
asynStatus debug (const std::string &method, const std::string &msg, std::map< std::string, std::string > value)
asynStatus debug (const std::string &method, const std::string &msg, std::map< int, std::string > value)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ADDriver
 ADDriver (const char *portName, int maxAddr, int numParams, int maxBuffers, size_t maxMemory, int interfaceMask, int interruptMask, int asynFlags, int autoConnect, int priority, int stackSize)
 All of the arguments are simply passed to the constructor for the asynNDArrayDriver base class, except numParams.
virtual asynStatus connect (asynUser *pasynUser)
 Connects driver to device; This method is called when the driver's pasynCommon->connect() function is called.
virtual void setShutter (int open)
 Set the shutter position.
- Public Member Functions inherited from asynNDArrayDriver
 asynNDArrayDriver (const char *portName, int maxAddr, int maxBuffers, size_t maxMemory, int interfaceMask, int interruptMask, int asynFlags, int autoConnect, int priority, int stackSize)
 This is the constructor for the asynNDArrayDriver class.
virtual ~asynNDArrayDriver ()
virtual asynStatus writeOctet (asynUser *pasynUser, const char *value, size_t maxChars, size_t *nActual)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynOctet->write().
virtual asynStatus readGenericPointer (asynUser *pasynUser, void *genericPointer)
 This method copies an NDArray object from the asynNDArrayDriver to an NDArray pointer passed in by the caller.
virtual asynStatus writeGenericPointer (asynUser *pasynUser, void *genericPointer)
 This method currently does nothing, but it should be implemented in this base class.
virtual asynStatus setIntegerParam (int index, int value)
 Sets the value for an integer in the parameter library.
virtual asynStatus setIntegerParam (int list, int index, int value)
 Sets the value for an integer in the parameter library.
virtual void report (FILE *fp, int details)
 Report status of the driver.
virtual asynStatus createFilePath (const char *path, int pathDepth)
 Function to create a directory path for a file.
virtual asynStatus checkPath ()
 Checks whether the directory specified NDFilePath parameter exists.
virtual bool checkPath (std::string &filePath)
 Checks whether the directory specified exists.
virtual asynStatus createFileName (int maxChars, char *fullFileName)
 Build a file name from component parts.
virtual asynStatus createFileName (int maxChars, char *filePath, char *fileName)
 Build a file name from component parts.
virtual asynStatus readNDAttributesFile ()
 Create this driver's NDAttributeList (pAttributeList) by reading an XML file This clears any existing attributes from this drivers' NDAttributeList and then creates a new list based on the XML file.
virtual asynStatus getAttributes (NDAttributeList *pAttributeList)
 Get the current values of attributes from this driver and appends them to an output attribute list.
virtual void updateTimeStamps (NDArray *pArray)
asynStatus incrementQueuedArrayCount ()
asynStatus decrementQueuedArrayCount ()
int getQueuedArrayCount ()
void updateQueuedArrayCount ()

Protected Attributes

int SPECSConnect_
int SPECSConnected_
int SPECSPauseAcq_
int SPECSMsgCounter_
int SPECSServerName_
int SPECSProtocolVersion_
int SPECSProtocolVersionMinor_
int SPECSProtocolVersionMajor_
int SPECSStartEnergy_
int SPECSEndEnergy_
int SPECSRetardingRatio_
int SPECSKineticEnergy_
int SPECSStepWidth_
int SPECSSamples_
int SPECSSamplesIteration_
int SPECSSnapshotValues_
int SPECSPassEnergy_
int SPECSLensMode_
int SPECSScanRange_
int SPECSCurrentSample_
int SPECSPercentComplete_
int SPECSRemainingTime_
int SPECSCurrentSampleIteration_
int SPECSPercentCompleteIteration_
int SPECSRemainingTimeIteration_
int SPECSAcqSpectrum_
int SPECSAcqImage_
int SPECSRunMode_
int SPECSDefine_
int SPECSValidate_
int SPECSNonEnergyChannels_
int SPECSNonEnergyUnits_
int SPECSNonEnergyMin_
int SPECSNonEnergyMax_
int SPECSSafeState_
int SPECSDataDelayMax_
- Protected Attributes inherited from ADDriver
int ADGain
int ADBinX
int ADBinY
int ADMinX
int ADMinY
int ADSizeX
int ADSizeY
int ADMaxSizeX
int ADMaxSizeY
int ADReverseX
int ADReverseY
int ADFrameType
int ADImageMode
int ADNumExposures
int ADNumExposuresCounter
int ADNumImages
int ADNumImagesCounter
int ADAcquireTime
int ADAcquirePeriod
int ADTimeRemaining
int ADStatus
int ADTriggerMode
int ADShutterControl
int ADShutterControlEPICS
int ADShutterStatus
int ADShutterMode
int ADShutterOpenDelay
int ADShutterCloseDelay
int ADTemperature
int ADTemperatureActual
int ADReadStatus
int ADStatusMessage
int ADStringToServer
int ADStringFromServer
bool deviceIsReachable
- Protected Attributes inherited from asynNDArrayDriver
int NDPortNameSelf
int NDADCoreVersion
int NDDriverVersion
int ADManufacturer
int ADModel
int ADSerialNumber
int ADSDKVersion
int ADFirmwareVersion
int ADAcquire
int ADAcquireBusy
int ADWaitForPlugins
int NDArraySizeX
int NDArraySizeY
int NDArraySizeZ
int NDArraySize
int NDNDimensions
int NDDimensions
int NDDataType
int NDColorMode
int NDUniqueId
int NDTimeStamp
int NDEpicsTSSec
int NDEpicsTSNsec
int NDBayerPattern
int NDCodec
int NDCompressedSize
int NDArrayCounter
int NDFilePath
int NDFilePathExists
int NDFileName
int NDFileNumber
int NDFileTemplate
int NDAutoIncrement
int NDFullFileName
int NDFileFormat
int NDAutoSave
int NDWriteFile
int NDReadFile
int NDFileWriteMode
int NDFileWriteStatus
int NDFileWriteMessage
int NDFileNumCapture
int NDFileNumCaptured
int NDFileFreeCapture
int NDFileCapture
int NDFileDeleteDriverFile
int NDFileLazyOpen
int NDFileCreateDir
int NDFileTempSuffix
int NDAttributesFile
int NDAttributesStatus
int NDAttributesMacros
int NDArrayData
int NDArrayCallbacks
int NDPoolMaxBuffers
int NDPoolAllocBuffers
int NDPoolPreAllocBuffers
int NDPoolNumPreAllocBuffers
int NDPoolFreeBuffers
int NDPoolMaxMemory
int NDPoolUsedMemory
int NDPoolEmptyFreeList
int NDPoolPollStats
int NDNumQueuedArrays
class NDArray ** pArrays
 An array of NDArray pointers used to store data in the driver.
class NDAttributeListpAttributeList
 An NDAttributeList object used to obtain the current values of a set of attributes.
int threadStackSize_
int threadPriority_

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from asynNDArrayDriver
class NDArrayPoolpNDArrayPool
 An NDArrayPool pointer that is initialized to pNDArrayPoolPvt_ in the constructor.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SpecsAnalyser()

SpecsAnalyser::SpecsAnalyser ( const char *  portName,
const char *  driverPort,
int  maxBuffers,
size_t  maxMemory,
int  priority,
int  stackSize 

◆ ~SpecsAnalyser()

SpecsAnalyser::~SpecsAnalyser ( )

specsAnalyser destructor

Member Function Documentation

◆ asynPortConnect()

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::asynPortConnect ( const char *  port,
int  addr,
asynUser **  ppasynUser,
const char *  inputEos,
const char *  outputEos 

Connect to the underlying low level Asyn port that is used for comms.

This uses the asynOctetSyncIO interface, and also sets the input and output terminators.

port- Name of the port to connect to.
addr- Address to connect to.
ppasynUser- Pointer to the asyn user structure.
inputEos- String input EOS.
outputEos- String output EOS.

◆ asynPortDisconnect()

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::asynPortDisconnect ( asynUser *  pasynUser)

◆ asynWriteRead()

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::asynWriteRead ( const char *  command,
char *  response 

Wrapper for asynOctetSyncIO write/read functions.

command- String command to send.
response- String response back.

◆ cleanString()

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::cleanString ( std::string &  str,
const std::string &  search = ": \n",
int  where = 0 

Utility function, returns strings with unwanted characters stripped.

str- string parameter, the string to clean up, returned by reference
search- string parameter containing the set of characters to strip from str
where- integer parameter to control where characters are stripped - 1 to strip from start, 2 to strip from end, 0 to do both.

◆ commandResponse()

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::commandResponse ( const std::string &  command,
std::string &  response,
std::map< std::string, std::string > &  data 

This sends a command to the device and parses the response.

Data is returned in a std::map that is indexed by the parameter name

command- String command to send.
response- String response back (OK or ERROR)
data- Map of data items indexed by name

◆ connect()

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::connect ( )

◆ debug() [1/6]

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::debug ( const std::string &  method,
const std::string &  msg 

◆ debug() [2/6]

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::debug ( const std::string &  method,
const std::string &  msg,
const std::string &  value 

◆ debug() [3/6]

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::debug ( const std::string &  method,
const std::string &  msg,
double  value 

◆ debug() [4/6]

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::debug ( const std::string &  method,
const std::string &  msg,
int  value 

◆ debug() [5/6]

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::debug ( const std::string &  method,
const std::string &  msg,
std::map< int, std::string >  value 

◆ debug() [6/6]

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::debug ( const std::string &  method,
const std::string &  msg,
std::map< std::string, std::string >  value 

◆ debugLevel()

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::debugLevel ( const std::string &  method,
int  onOff 

◆ defineSpectrumFAT()

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::defineSpectrumFAT ( )

Define a Fixed Analyser Transmission spectrum.

All of the desired parameters should have already been set, this method constructs the required command string from those parameters and sends it to the device.

◆ defineSpectrumFE()

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::defineSpectrumFE ( )

◆ defineSpectrumFRR()

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::defineSpectrumFRR ( )

◆ defineSpectrumSFAT()

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::defineSpectrumSFAT ( )

Define a Snapshot Fixed Analyser Transmission spectrum.

All of the desired parameters should have already been set, this method constructs the required command string from those parameters and sends it to the device.

◆ disconnect()

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::disconnect ( )

◆ getAnalyserParameter() [1/4]

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::getAnalyserParameter ( const std::string &  name,
bool &  value 

◆ getAnalyserParameter() [2/4]

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::getAnalyserParameter ( const std::string &  name,
double &  value 

◆ getAnalyserParameter() [3/4]

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::getAnalyserParameter ( const std::string &  name,
int &  value 

◆ getAnalyserParameter() [4/4]

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::getAnalyserParameter ( const std::string &  name,
std::string &  value 

◆ getAnalyserParameterType()

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::getAnalyserParameterType ( const std::string &  name,
SPECSValueType_t value 

◆ initDebugger()

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::initDebugger ( int  initDebug)

◆ makeConnection()

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::makeConnection ( )

◆ readAcquisitionData()

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::readAcquisitionData ( int  startIndex,
int  endIndex,
std::vector< double > &  values 

◆ readDeviceVisibleName()

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::readDeviceVisibleName ( )

This method queries the analyser for its device name to populate the ADModel parameter.

◆ readDoubleData()

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::readDoubleData ( std::map< std::string, std::string >  data,
const std::string &  name,
double &  value 

◆ readEnum()

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::readEnum ( asynUser *  pasynUser,
char *  strings[],
int  values[],
int  severities[],
size_t  nElements,
size_t *  nIn 

Called when asyn clients call pasynEnum->read().

The base class implementation simply prints an error message.

pasynUser- pasynUser structure that encodes the reason and address.
strings- Array of string pointers.
values- Array of values
severities- Array of severities
nElements- Size of value array
nIn- Number of elements actually returned

◆ readIntegerData()

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::readIntegerData ( std::map< std::string, std::string >  data,
const std::string &  name,
int &  value 

◆ readRunModes()

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::readRunModes ( )

◆ readSpectrumDataInfo()

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::readSpectrumDataInfo ( SPECSDataInfoParam_t  param)

Send the GetSpectrumDataInfo method to query the spectrum metadata.

Currently only OrdinateRange is supported, which gives us the units and min/max of the non-energy axis. This method is new in protocol version 1.11 so in earlier versions we expect to receive an error message.

param- Data Info parameter to request. Currently (v1.11) only OrdinateRange is supported.

◆ readSpectrumParameter()

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::readSpectrumParameter ( int  param)

◆ sendSimpleCommand()

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::sendSimpleCommand ( const std::string &  command,
std::map< std::string, std::string > *  data = NULL 

Method for sending a simple command (no parameters) that will check the error status and do the right thing.

◆ sendStartCommand()

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::sendStartCommand ( bool  safeAfter)

Send the start command to the analyser.

◆ setAnalyserParameter() [1/3]

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::setAnalyserParameter ( const std::string &  name,
double  value 

◆ setAnalyserParameter() [2/3]

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::setAnalyserParameter ( const std::string &  name,
int  value 

◆ setAnalyserParameter() [3/3]

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::setAnalyserParameter ( const std::string &  name,
std::string  value 

◆ setupEPICSParameters()

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::setupEPICSParameters ( )

This method sets up the analyser parameters that are not known prior to connecting to the device.

◆ specsAnalyserTask()

void SpecsAnalyser::specsAnalyserTask ( )

Task to listen to the SPECS prodigy application and update the higher level software.

This function runs the polling thread. It is started in the class constructor and must not return until the IOC stops.

◆ validateSpectrum()

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::validateSpectrum ( )

Validate the currently defined spectrum.

This validation must take place before a new acquisition can begin. The values defined for the acquisition can actually be altered by the validation so the read back values are written back into the parameters.

◆ writeFloat64()

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::writeFloat64 ( asynUser *  pasynUser,
epicsFloat64  value 

Called when asyn clients call pasynFloat64->write().

Write integer value to the drivers parameter table.

pasynUser- Pointer to the asyn user structure.
value- The new value to write

◆ writeInt32()

asynStatus SpecsAnalyser::writeInt32 ( asynUser *  pasynUser,
epicsInt32  value 

Called when asyn clients call pasynInt32->write().

Write integer value to the drivers parameter table.

pasynUser- Pointer to the asyn user structure.
value- The new value to write

Reimplemented from ADDriver.

Member Data Documentation

◆ SPECSAcqImage_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSAcqImage_

◆ SPECSAcqSpectrum_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSAcqSpectrum_

◆ SPECSConnect_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSConnect_

◆ SPECSConnected_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSConnected_

◆ SPECSCurrentSample_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSCurrentSample_

◆ SPECSCurrentSampleIteration_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSCurrentSampleIteration_

◆ SPECSDataDelayMax_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSDataDelayMax_

◆ SPECSDefine_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSDefine_

◆ SPECSEndEnergy_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSEndEnergy_

◆ SPECSKineticEnergy_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSKineticEnergy_

◆ SPECSLensMode_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSLensMode_

◆ SPECSMsgCounter_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSMsgCounter_

◆ SPECSNonEnergyChannels_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSNonEnergyChannels_

◆ SPECSNonEnergyMax_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSNonEnergyMax_

◆ SPECSNonEnergyMin_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSNonEnergyMin_

◆ SPECSNonEnergyUnits_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSNonEnergyUnits_

◆ SPECSPassEnergy_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSPassEnergy_

◆ SPECSPauseAcq_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSPauseAcq_

◆ SPECSPercentComplete_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSPercentComplete_

◆ SPECSPercentCompleteIteration_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSPercentCompleteIteration_

◆ SPECSProtocolVersion_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSProtocolVersion_

◆ SPECSProtocolVersionMajor_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSProtocolVersionMajor_

◆ SPECSProtocolVersionMinor_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSProtocolVersionMinor_

◆ SPECSRemainingTime_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSRemainingTime_

◆ SPECSRemainingTimeIteration_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSRemainingTimeIteration_

◆ SPECSRetardingRatio_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSRetardingRatio_

◆ SPECSRunMode_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSRunMode_

◆ SPECSSafeState_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSSafeState_

◆ SPECSSamples_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSSamples_

◆ SPECSSamplesIteration_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSSamplesIteration_

◆ SPECSScanRange_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSScanRange_

◆ SPECSServerName_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSServerName_

◆ SPECSSnapshotValues_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSSnapshotValues_

◆ SPECSStartEnergy_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSStartEnergy_

◆ SPECSStepWidth_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSStepWidth_

◆ SPECSValidate_

int SpecsAnalyser::SPECSValidate_

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: