areaDetector 3-14
EPICS areaDetector framework
#include <vector>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <locale>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <epicsThread.h>
#include <epicsEvent.h>
#include <epicsString.h>
#include <iocsh.h>
#include <drvSup.h>
#include <epicsExport.h>
#include <ADDriver.h>
#include "asynOctetSyncIO.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Classes | |
class | SpecsAnalyser |
Macros | |
#define | SPECS_MAX_STRING 4096 |
#define | SPECS_TIMEOUT 10 |
#define | SPECS_UPDATE_RATE 0.1 |
#define | SPECS_OK_STRING "OK" |
#define | SPECS_RUN_FAT 0 |
#define | SPECS_RUN_SFAT 1 |
#define | SPECS_RUN_FRR 2 |
#define | SPECS_RUN_FE 3 |
#define | SPECS_TYPE_DOUBLE "double" |
#define | SPECS_TYPE_INTEGER "integer" |
#define | SPECS_TYPE_STRING "string" |
#define | SPECS_TYPE_BOOL "bool" |
#define | SPECS_CMD_CONNECT "Connect" |
#define | SPECS_CMD_DISCONNECT "Disconnect" |
#define | SPECS_CMD_DEFINE_FAT "DefineSpectrumFAT" |
#define | SPECS_CMD_DEFINE_SFAT "DefineSpectrumSFAT" |
#define | SPECS_CMD_DEFINE_FRR "DefineSpectrumFRR" |
#define | SPECS_CMD_DEFINE_FE "DefineSpectrumFE" |
#define | SPECS_CMD_VALIDATE "ValidateSpectrum" |
#define | SPECS_CMD_START "Start" |
#define | SPECS_CMD_PAUSE "Pause" |
#define | SPECS_CMD_RESUME "Resume" |
#define | SPECS_CMD_ABORT "Abort" |
#define | SPECS_CMD_GET_STATUS "GetAcquisitionStatus" |
#define | SPECS_CMD_GET_DATA "GetAcquisitionData" |
#define | SPECS_CMD_CLEAR "ClearSpectrum" |
#define | SPECS_CMD_GET_NAMES "GetAllAnalyzerParameterNames" |
#define | SPECS_CMD_GET_INFO "GetAnalyzerParameterInfo" |
#define | SPECS_CMD_GET_VISNAME "GetAnalyzerVisibleName" |
#define | SPECS_CMD_GET_VALUE "GetAnalyzerParameterValue" |
#define | SPECS_CMD_SET_VALUE "SetAnalyzerParameterValue" |
#define | SPECS_CMD_GET_SPECTRUM "GetSpectrumParameterInfo" |
#define | SPECS_CMD_GET_DATA_INFO "GetSpectrumDataInfo" |
#define | SPECS_CMD_SET_SAFE_STATE "SetSafeState" |
#define | SPECSConnectString "SPECS_CONNECT" |
#define | SPECSConnectedString "SPECS_CONNECTED" |
#define | SPECSPauseAcqString "SPECS_PAUSE_ACQ" |
#define | SPECSMsgCounterString "SPECS_MSG_COUNTER" |
#define | SPECSServerNameString "SPECS_SERVER_NAME" |
#define | SPECSProtocolVersionString "SPECS_PROTOCOL_VERSION" |
#define | SPECSProtocolVersionMinorString "SPECS_PROTOCOL_VER_MINOR" |
#define | SPECSProtocolVersionMajorString "SPECS_PROTOCOL_VER_MAJOR" |
#define | SPECSStartEnergyString "SPECS_START_ENERGY" |
#define | SPECSEndEnergyString "SPECS_END_ENERGY" |
#define | SPECSRetardingRatioString "SPECS_RETARDING_RATIO" |
#define | SPECSKineticEnergyString "SPECS_KINETIC_ENERGY" |
#define | SPECSStepWidthString "SPECS_STEP_WIDTH" |
#define | SPECSSamplesString "SPECS_SAMPLES" |
#define | SPECSSamplesIterationString "SPECS_SAMPLES_ITERATION" |
#define | SPECSSnapshotValuesString "SPECS_SNAPSHOT_VALUES" |
#define | SPECSPassEnergyString "SPECS_PASS_ENERGY" |
#define | SPECSLensModeString "SPECS_LENS_MODE" |
#define | SPECSScanRangeString "SPECS_SCAN_RANGE" |
#define | SPECSCurrentSampleString "SPECS_CURRENT_SAMPLE" |
#define | SPECSPercentCompleteString "SPECS_PERCENT_COMPLETE" |
#define | SPECSRemainingTimeString "SPECS_REMAINING_TIME" |
#define | SPECSCurrentSampleIterationString "SPECS_CRT_SAMPLE_ITER" |
#define | SPECSPercentCompleteIterationString "SPECS_PCT_COMPLETE_ITER" |
#define | SPECSRemainingTimeIterationString "SPECS_RMG_TIME_ITER" |
#define | SPECSAcqSpectrumString "SPECS_ACQ_SPECTRUM" |
#define | SPECSAcqImageString "SPECS_ACQ_IMAGE" |
#define | SPECSRunModeString "SPECS_RUN_MODE" |
#define | SPECSDefineString "SPECS_DEFINE" |
#define | SPECSValidateString "SPECS_VALIDATE" |
#define | SPECSNonEnergyChannelsString "SPECS_NON_ENERGY_CHANNELS" |
#define | SPECSNonEnergyUnitsString "SPECS_NON_ENERGY_UNITS" |
#define | SPECSNonEnergyMinString "SPECS_NON_ENERGY_MIN" |
#define | SPECSNonEnergyMaxString "SPECS_NON_ENERGY_MAX" |
#define | SPECSSafeStateString "SPECS_SAFE_STATE" |
#define | SPECSDataDelayMaxString "SPECS_DATA_DELAY_MAX" |
#define | FIRST_SPECS_PARAM SPECSConnect_ |
#define | LAST_SPECS_PARAM SPECSDataDelayMax_ |
Enumerations | |
enum | SPECSValueType_t { SPECSTypeDouble , SPECSTypeInteger , SPECSTypeString , SPECSTypeBool } |
enum | SPECSDataInfoParam_t { SPECSOrdinateRange } |
#define LAST_SPECS_PARAM SPECSDataDelayMax_ |
#define SPECS_CMD_ABORT "Abort" |
#define SPECS_CMD_CLEAR "ClearSpectrum" |
#define SPECS_CMD_CONNECT "Connect" |
#define SPECS_CMD_DEFINE_FAT "DefineSpectrumFAT" |
#define SPECS_CMD_DEFINE_FE "DefineSpectrumFE" |
#define SPECS_CMD_DEFINE_FRR "DefineSpectrumFRR" |
#define SPECS_CMD_DEFINE_SFAT "DefineSpectrumSFAT" |
#define SPECS_CMD_DISCONNECT "Disconnect" |
#define SPECS_CMD_GET_DATA "GetAcquisitionData" |
#define SPECS_CMD_GET_DATA_INFO "GetSpectrumDataInfo" |
#define SPECS_CMD_GET_INFO "GetAnalyzerParameterInfo" |
#define SPECS_CMD_GET_NAMES "GetAllAnalyzerParameterNames" |
#define SPECS_CMD_GET_SPECTRUM "GetSpectrumParameterInfo" |
#define SPECS_CMD_GET_STATUS "GetAcquisitionStatus" |
#define SPECS_CMD_GET_VALUE "GetAnalyzerParameterValue" |
#define SPECS_CMD_GET_VISNAME "GetAnalyzerVisibleName" |
#define SPECS_CMD_PAUSE "Pause" |
#define SPECS_CMD_RESUME "Resume" |
#define SPECS_CMD_SET_SAFE_STATE "SetSafeState" |
#define SPECS_CMD_SET_VALUE "SetAnalyzerParameterValue" |
#define SPECS_CMD_START "Start" |
#define SPECS_CMD_VALIDATE "ValidateSpectrum" |
#define SPECS_MAX_STRING 4096 |
#define SPECS_OK_STRING "OK" |
#define SPECS_RUN_FAT 0 |
#define SPECS_RUN_FE 3 |
#define SPECS_RUN_FRR 2 |
#define SPECS_RUN_SFAT 1 |
#define SPECS_TIMEOUT 10 |
#define SPECS_TYPE_BOOL "bool" |
#define SPECS_TYPE_DOUBLE "double" |
#define SPECS_TYPE_INTEGER "integer" |
#define SPECS_TYPE_STRING "string" |
#define SPECS_UPDATE_RATE 0.1 |
#define SPECSAcqImageString "SPECS_ACQ_IMAGE" |
#define SPECSAcqSpectrumString "SPECS_ACQ_SPECTRUM" |
#define SPECSConnectedString "SPECS_CONNECTED" |
#define SPECSConnectString "SPECS_CONNECT" |
#define SPECSCurrentSampleIterationString "SPECS_CRT_SAMPLE_ITER" |
#define SPECSCurrentSampleString "SPECS_CURRENT_SAMPLE" |
#define SPECSDataDelayMaxString "SPECS_DATA_DELAY_MAX" |
#define SPECSDefineString "SPECS_DEFINE" |
#define SPECSEndEnergyString "SPECS_END_ENERGY" |
#define SPECSKineticEnergyString "SPECS_KINETIC_ENERGY" |
#define SPECSLensModeString "SPECS_LENS_MODE" |
#define SPECSMsgCounterString "SPECS_MSG_COUNTER" |
#define SPECSNonEnergyChannelsString "SPECS_NON_ENERGY_CHANNELS" |
#define SPECSNonEnergyMaxString "SPECS_NON_ENERGY_MAX" |
#define SPECSNonEnergyMinString "SPECS_NON_ENERGY_MIN" |
#define SPECSNonEnergyUnitsString "SPECS_NON_ENERGY_UNITS" |
#define SPECSPassEnergyString "SPECS_PASS_ENERGY" |
#define SPECSPauseAcqString "SPECS_PAUSE_ACQ" |
#define SPECSPercentCompleteIterationString "SPECS_PCT_COMPLETE_ITER" |
#define SPECSPercentCompleteString "SPECS_PERCENT_COMPLETE" |
#define SPECSProtocolVersionMajorString "SPECS_PROTOCOL_VER_MAJOR" |
#define SPECSProtocolVersionMinorString "SPECS_PROTOCOL_VER_MINOR" |
#define SPECSProtocolVersionString "SPECS_PROTOCOL_VERSION" |
#define SPECSRemainingTimeIterationString "SPECS_RMG_TIME_ITER" |
#define SPECSRemainingTimeString "SPECS_REMAINING_TIME" |
#define SPECSRetardingRatioString "SPECS_RETARDING_RATIO" |
#define SPECSRunModeString "SPECS_RUN_MODE" |
#define SPECSSafeStateString "SPECS_SAFE_STATE" |
#define SPECSSamplesIterationString "SPECS_SAMPLES_ITERATION" |
#define SPECSSamplesString "SPECS_SAMPLES" |
#define SPECSScanRangeString "SPECS_SCAN_RANGE" |
#define SPECSServerNameString "SPECS_SERVER_NAME" |
#define SPECSSnapshotValuesString "SPECS_SNAPSHOT_VALUES" |
#define SPECSStartEnergyString "SPECS_START_ENERGY" |
#define SPECSStepWidthString "SPECS_STEP_WIDTH" |
#define SPECSValidateString "SPECS_VALIDATE" |
enum SPECSDataInfoParam_t |
enum SPECSValueType_t |