
author:Matt Pearson, Mark Rivers
affiliation:Oak Ridge National Lab, University of Chicago


This plugin provides multiple regions-of-interest (ROIs) on 1-D and 2-D data and calculates basic statistics (min, max, mean, total, and net counts). It also can accumulate time-series arrays of these statistics. The asyn address parameter is used to identify the ROIs, and so a large number of ROIs can be dealt with in a single thread. The purpose of this plugin is to make it easy for IOC application developers to do simple ROI calculations, without having to use multiple traditional ROI and separate statistics plugins. The plugin can optionally do callbacks on an NDArray object, appending an attribute list. This makes it possible to append the ROI statistic data to the output NDArray.


This plugin only supports 1-D and 2-D arrays. The NDPluginStats plugin can compute statistics on N-dimensional arrays, but it is less efficient for these simple statistics on 1-D and 2-D arrays.

Three database template files are provided:

Template File Name Description
NDROIStat.template This needs to be instantiated once for each instance of the plugin. It provides records that It provides records that apply to the entire plugin or to all ROIs.
NDROIStatN.template This needs to be instantiated once for each ROI in the plugin (the number must equal the number of ROIs specified in the IOC shell function). The template provides records that apply to each ROI.
NDROIStat8.template This is provided as a convenience. It instantiates 8 ROIs by including NDROIStat.template once and NDROIStatN.template 8 times.

NDPluginROIStat inherits from NDPluginDriver.

NDPluginROIStat defines the following parameters. It also implements all of the standard plugin parameters from NDPluginDriver. The template files listed above provide access to these parameters, listed in the following tables.

  Parameter Definitions in NDPluginROIStat.h and EPICS Record Definitions in NDROIStat.template
Parameter index variable asyn interface Access Description drvInfo string EPICS record name EPICS record type
NDPluginROIStatResetAll asynInt32 r/w Reset the statistics data for all the configured ROIs. ROISTAT_RESETALL $(P)$(R)ResetAll bo
    Time-Series data
NDPluginROIStat, TSControl asynInt32 r/w Controls time-series data collection. The enum choices are:
Erase/Start: Clears all time-series arrays, sets ROISTAT_TS_CURRENT_POINT=0, and starts time-series data collection.
Start: Starts time-series data collection without clearing arrays or modifying ROISTAT_TS_CURRENT_POINT. Used to restart collection after a Stop operation.
Stop: Stops times-series data collection. Performs callbacks on all time-series waveform records.
Read: Performs callbacks on all time-series waveform records, updating the values.
N.A. N.A. r/w Sends the “Read” command to the TSControl record above. This record can be periodically processed to update the time-series waveform records. It is scan disabled if TSAcquiring=Done, so that updates are only performed when time-series acquisition is in progress. N.A. $(P)$(R)TSRead longout
NDPluginROIStat, TSNumPoints asynInt32 r/w Controls the number of time-series points to collect. There is no maximum value, the time-series arrays in the plugin are freed and reallocated each time this value is changed. However, the size of the waveform records is fixed when the IOC is started, so NELM in those records must be large enough for the largest time-series needed. ROISTAT_TS_NUM_POINTS $(P)$(R)TSNumPoints longout
NDPluginROIStat, TSCurrentPoint asynInt32 r/o The current time-series point. If TSCurrentPoint reaches TSNumPoints then time-series acquisition is automatically stopped, and callbacks are done on all time-series waveform records, updating the values. This means that even if TSRead has SCAN=Passive that the waveform records will update when time-series acquisition is complete. ROISTAT_TS_CURRENT_POINT $(P)$(R)TSCurrentPoint longin
NDPluginROIStat, TSAcquiring asynInt32 r/o Indicates status of time-series data acquisition. Values are 0=Done and 1=Acquiring. ROISTAT_TS_ACQUIRING $(P)$(R)TSAcquiring bi
    ROI Specific Parameters
  Parameter Definitions in NDPluginROIStat.h and EPICS Record Definitions in NDROIStatN.template
Parameter index variable asyn interface Access Description drvInfo string EPICS record name EPICS record type
NDPluginROIStatName asynOctet r/w The name of the plugin. ROISTAT_NAME $(P)$(R)Name, $(P)$(R)Name_RBV stringout
NDPluginROIStatUse asynInt32 r/w Set this to 1 to use this ROI, which will mean the statistics will be calculated for this ROI. ROISTAT_USE $(P)$(R)Use, $(P)$(R)Use_RBV bo, bi
NDPluginROIStatReset asynInt32 r/w Reset the statistics data for this ROI. ROISTAT_RESET $(P)$(R)Reset bo
NDPluginROIStatBgdWidth asynInt32 r/w The background width for the net counts calculation. The average background counts in a border of this width around the ROI are computed. The border begins at the outer edge of the defined ROI and progresses inward by the BgdWidth. ROISTAT_BGD_WIDTH $(P)$(R)BgdWidth, $(P)$(R)BgdWidth_RBV longout , longin
NDPluginROIStatDim0Min asynInt32 r/w Start element in the X dimension. ROISTAT_DIM0_MIN $(P)$(R)MinX, $(P)$(R)MinX_RBV longout, longin
NDPluginROIStatDim0Size asynInt32 r/w The ROI size in the X dimension. ROISTAT_DIM0_SIZE $(P)$(R)SizeX, $(P)$(R)SizeX_RBV longout, longin
NDPluginROIStatDim0MaxSize asynInt32 r/o Max size of the ROI in the X dimension. ROISTAT_DIM0_MAX_SIZE $(P)$(R)MaxSizeX, $(P)$(R)MaxSizeX_RBV longin
NDPluginROIStatDim1Min asynInt32 r/w Start element in the Y dimension. ROISTAT_DIM1_MIN $(P)$(R)MinY, $(P)$(R)MinY_RBV longout, longin
NDPluginROIStatDim1Size asynInt32 r/w The ROI size in the Y dimension. ROISTAT_DIM1_SIZE $(P)$(R)SizeY, $(P)$(R)SizeY_RBV longout, longin
NDPluginROIStatDim1MaxSize asynInt32 r/o Max size of the ROI in the Y dimension. ROISTAT_DIM1_MAX_SIZE $(P)$(R)MaxSizeY, $(P)$(R)MaxSizeY_RBV longin
NDPluginROIStatMinValue asynFloat64 r/o Minimum count value in the ROI. ROISTAT_MIN_VALUE $(P)$(R)MinValue_RBV ai
NDPluginROIStatMaxValue asynFloat64 r/o Maximum count value in the ROI. ROISTAT_MAX_VALUE $(P)$(R)MaxValue_RBV ai
NDPluginROIStatMeanValue asynFloat64 r/o Mean counts value in the ROI. ROISTAT_MEAN_VALUE $(P)$(R)MeanValue_RBV ai
NDPluginROIStatTotal asynFloat64 r/o Total counts in the ROI. ROISTAT_TOTAL $(P)$(R)Total_RBV ai
NDPluginROIStatNet asynFloat64 r/o Net (background subtracted) counts in the ROI. ROISTAT_NET $(P)$(R)Net_RBV ai
    Time-Series data
NDPluginROIStat, TSXXX asynFloat64Array r/o The time series data arrays. XXX is one of the following, corresponding to each of the basic statistics and centroid and sigma statistics described above:
$(P)$(R)TSXXX waveform


The NDPluginROIStat plugin is created with the NDROIStatConfigure function, either from C/C++ or from the EPICS IOC shell.

NDROIStatConfigure(const char *portName, int queueSize, int blockingCallbacks,
                          const char *NDArrayPort, int NDArrayAddr, int maxROIs, int maxBuffers,
                          size_t maxMemory, int priority, int stackSize)

All but the maxROIs parameter are common to all plugins. This defines how many ROIs this plugin will deal with. Usually this will match the number of NDROIStatN templates have been instantiated. For example:

NDROIStatConfigure("DET1.ROI", 100, 0, "DET1", 0, 8, -1, -1, 0, 0)

Screen shots

The following MEDM screen provides access to the parameters in NDPluginDriver.h and NDPluginROIStat.h through records in NDPluginBase.template, and NDROIStat.template.


The following MEDM screen provides access to the parameters in NDPluginROIStat.h through records in NDROIStatN.template.


The following MEDM screen provides access to 8 ROIs at once.
