areaDetector Viewers

author:Mark Rivers, Tim Madden, Marty Kraimer
affiliation:University of Chicago, Advanced Photon Source


One of the advantages of areaDetector is that it enables the use of generic image display clients that obtain their data via EPICS Channel Access or pvAccess and work with any detector. There are currently four such generic clients provided with the areaDetector distribution.

The first two are plugins for the popular ImageJ Java-based image processing program. uses EPICS Channel Access, while uses EPICS pvAccess.

The third is a Python program that uses Qt widgets and uses EPICS pvAccess.

The fourth is an IDL-based viewer which can be run without an IDL license under the IDL Virtual Machine.

Because ImageJ and Python are free and more widely available and used than IDL, future enhancements are more likely to be done on the ImageJ plugins and Python viewer, rather than the IDL viewer.

These viewers are contained in the areaDetector distribution in the ADViewers repository

In addition to the ImageJ viewer plugins, there is an ImageJ plugin to graphically define the detector/camera readout region, ROIs, and overlays ( Another ImageJ plugin provided with areaDetector does realtime line profiles with Gaussian peak fitting (

ImageJ Viewers

These are plugins for the popular ImageJ program that can be used to display 2-dimensional array data. Both of these plugins were originally written by Tim Madden from APS. Both support all NDArray data types and color modes, i.e. Mono, RGB1 (pixel interleave), RGB2 (row interleave) and RGB3 (plane interleave). The plugin directory also includes a plugin written elsewhere for reading and writing netCDF files, so ImageJ can be used to display images and image sequences (movies) saved with the NDFileNetCDF plugin.

This plugin uses EPICS Channel Access to display images via waveform records that the NDPluginStdArrays sends to EPICS.

More information can be found in the documentation.

This plugin uses EPICS V4 pvAccess to display NTNDArrays that the NDPluginPva sends to EPICS.

The EPICS_NTNDA_Viewer has a number of significant advantages compared to the EPICS_AD_Viewer:

  • The NTNDArray data is transmitted “atomically” over the network, rather than using separate PVs for the image data and the metadata (image dimensions, color mode, etc.)
  • NTNDArrays and pvAccess support sending compressed arrays over the network. Beginning with ADViewers R1-3 the EPICS_NTNDA_Viewer can decompress the NTNDArrays and display them. This can significantly reduce the required network bandwith when the IOC and the viewer are running on different machines.
  • When using Channel Access the data type of the waveform record is fixed at iocInit, and cannot be changed at runtime. This means, for example, that if the user might want to view both 8-bit images, 16-bit images, and 64-bit double FFT images then the waveform record would need to be 64-bit double, which adds a factor of 8 network overhead when viewing 8-bit images. pvAccess changes the data type of the NTNDArrays dynamically at run-time, removing this restriction.
  • Channel Access requires setting EPICS_CA_MAX_ARRAY_BYTES, which is a source of considerable confusion and frustration for users. pvAccess does not use EPICS_CA_MAX_ARRAY_BYTES and there is no restriction on the size of the NTNDArrays.
  • The performance using pvAccess is significantly better than using Channel Access. NDPluginPva is 5-10 times faster than NDPluginStdArrays, and ImageJ can display 1.5-2 times more images/s with pvAccess than with Channel Access.

More information can be found in the documentation.

ImageJ Controller (

This is an ImageJ plugin which can be used to graphically control the following:

  • The readout region of the detector or camera.
  • The size and position of an ROI (NDPluginROI).
  • The size and position of an overlay (NDPluginOverlay).

More information can be found in the documentation.

ImageJ Gaussian Profiler (

This is an ImageJ plugin which can be used to dynamically plot a line profile, fit the profile to a Gaussian peak, and print the fit parameters (centroid, amplitude, full-width half-maximum (FWHM), and background. It should be compiled in the same manner as EPICS_AD_Viewer. It is used by drawing a line or rectangle in ImageJ and then starting Plugins/EPICS_areaDetector/Gaussian Profiler.

The following is the GaussianProfiler window plotting the profile of the peak shown above in the EPICS_AD_Controller image.


ImageJ GaussianProfiler plotting a line through the peak shown above in the EPICS_AD_Controller image

Python Viewer

There is a Python viewer in the ADViewers/Python directory. This viewer has the following features:

  • Supports compressed NDArrays using any of the codecs in NDPluginCodec.
  • Supports all NDArray data types and color modes.
  • Allows zooming by defining the subregion with a mouse.
  • Allows changing the window size.
  • Allows changing the lower and upper display intensities with sliders.
  • Supports pvAccess only, does not support Channel Access.
  • Works with both the p4p and pvapy Python bindings for pvAccess. - p4p works on Windows, Linux, and Mac. - pvapy works only on Linux and Mac.

More information can be found in the documentation.

IDL Viewer

There is an IDL viewer that uses Channel Access. It is obsolete and not currently being developed, but can be used as an example for those wanting to use IDL.

More information can be found in the documentation.


If a viewer is not displaying new images as the detector collects them check the following:

  • If other EPICS channel access clients (e.g. medm, caget) running on the same machine as the viewer cannot connect to the IOC then check the following:
    • There may be a firewall blocking EPICS Channel Access or pvAccess either on the server (IOC) machine or the client (viewer) machine.
    • For Channel Access viewers the environment variable EPICS_CA_ADDR_LIST may need to be set to allow the client to find the IOC if the IOC is not on the same subnet as the viewer or if other EPICS channel access settings do not have their default values.
  • If other EPICS channel access clients (e.g. medm, caget) running on the same machine as the viewer can connect to the IOC then check the following:
    • The detector is actually collecting images, and the ArrayCallbacks PV is set to Enable.
    • For Channel Access viewers the NDPluginStdArrays plugin (normally called image1:) has the EnableCallbacks PV set to Yes, and that the MinCallbackTime PV is not set too large.
    • For pvAccess viewers the NDPluginPva plugin (normally called Pva1:) has the EnableCallbacks PV set to Yes, and that the MinCallbackTime PV is not set too large.
    • For Channel Access viewers the environment variable EPICS_CA_MAX_ARRAY_BYTES is set to a value at least as large as the size of the arrays to be sent to the viewer. This environment variable must be set on the machine that the IOC is running on before the IOC is started. It must also be set on the machine that the Channel Access viewer is running on before ImageJ or IDL is started.

Feature comparison

The following table compares the features of the available viewers.

  ImageJ ADViewers / PY_NTNDA_Viewer testPython / PY_NTNDA_Viewer C2 Data Viewer
NDArray data types All All All Int8, UInt8, Int6, UInt16
NDArray codecs All All All None
Color modes (Mono, RGB1, RGB2, RGB3) All All All Mono
Zoom image Yes Yes Yes (bugs) No
Resize window Yes Yes No Yes
Scale intensity with text widgets Yes Yes Yes No
Scale intensity with sliders Yes No No Yes
Auto-scale intensity Yes Yes Yes Yes
Move window Yes Yes No Yes
Windows OS Yes Yes Yes No

Performance comparison

The following table compares the performance of the available viewers.

The tests were done under the following conditions:

  • ADSimDetector running on the same machine as the viewer
  • ADSimDetector generating 1024x1024 frames at 200 frames/s. No compression enabled.
  • Viewers were all configured to display the image full-size (e.g. 1024x1024 pixels). For ADViewers/P4P_NTNDA_Viewer and C2 Data Viewer this size was approximate, done by resizing the window until the image area was close to 1024x1024 pixels.
  • testPython/P4P_NTNDA_Viewer was configured with Manual Scaling because this is how all of the other viewers are always configured, and it is needed in most cases to have a nice image display.
Program, mode OS Display Frames/s
  1024x1024, UInt8, Mono
ImageJ Linux Local 200
ImageJ Linux Remote X11 200
ImageJ Windows Local 194
ADViewers/P4P_NTNDA_Viewer Linux Local 40
ADViewers/P4P_NTNDA_Viewer Linux Remote X11 17
ADViewers/P4P_NTNDA_Viewer Windows Local 23
testPython/P4P_NTNDA_Viewer Linux Local 92
testPython/P4P_NTNDA_Viewer Linux Remote X11 22
testPython/P4P_NTNDA_Viewer Windows Local 20
C2 Data Viewer Linux Local 105
C2 Data Viewer Linux Remote X11 102
C2 Data Viewer Windows Local N.A.
  1024x1024, UInt8, RGB1
ImageJ Linux Local 190
ImageJ Linux Remote X11 193
ImageJ Windows Local 68
ADViewers/P4P_NTNDA_Viewer Linux Local 23
ADViewers/P4P_NTNDA_Viewer Linux Remote X11 17
ADViewers/P4P_NTNDA_Viewer Windows Local 13
testPython/P4P_NTNDA_Viewer Linux Local 37
testPython/P4P_NTNDA_Viewer Linux Remote X11 22
testPython/P4P_NTNDA_Viewer Windows Local 7
C2 Data Viewer Linux Local N.A
C2 Data Viewer Linux Remote X11 N.A.
C2 Data Viewer Windows Local N.A
  1024x1024, UInt16, Mono
ImageJ Linux Local 150
ImageJ Linux Remote X11 160
ImageJ Windows Local 68
ADViewers/P4P_NTNDA_Viewer Linux Local 28
ADViewers/P4P_NTNDA_Viewer Linux Remote X11 17
ADViewers/P4P_NTNDA_Viewer Windows Local 20
testPython/P4P_NTNDA_Viewer Linux Local Fails, solid gray image
testPython/P4P_NTNDA_Viewer Linux Remote X11 Fails, solid gray image
testPython/P4P_NTNDA_Viewer Windows Local Incorrect image, peak shape is wrong
C2 Data Viewer Linux Local 95
C2 Data Viewer Linux Remote X11 88
C2 Data Viewer Windows Local N.A.
  1024x1024, Float32, Mono
ImageJ Linux Local 130
ImageJ Linux Remote X11 150
ImageJ Windows Local 50
ADViewers/P4P_NTNDA_Viewer Linux Local 23
ADViewers/P4P_NTNDA_Viewer Linux Remote X11 17
ADViewers/P4P_NTNDA_Viewer Windows Local 12
testPython/P4P_NTNDA_Viewer Linux Local Fails, solid gray image
testPython/P4P_NTNDA_Viewer Linux Remote X11 Fails, solid gray image
testPython/P4P_NTNDA_Viewer Windows Local Incorrect image, peak shape is wrong
C2 Data Viewer Linux Local N.A
C2 Data Viewer Linux Remote X11 N.A.
C2 Data Viewer Windows Local N.A.