

Kazimierz Gofron, Brookhaven National Laboratory


  • Depends on the CPR verson 1.9.1.

  • Depends on the json version v3.11.2.

  • Developed with ADCore R3-11 and ADSupport R1-10 or newer.

  • This has only been tested on ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04 Linux 64-bit machines.

  • This has only been developed for 2 x 2 chips layout, since that is what I have access to now

  • This has only been tested with serval version 3.0.0.

  • Driver is specific to Serval version, since features differ.

Before compiling

  • Compile cpr

  • Clone json

How to run

  • Under ADTimePix3/iocs/tpx3IOC/iocBoot/iocTimePix there is already a ready to use IOC for the TimePix3

    1. run serval

    2. Change the IP address in st.cmd

    3. Run ./st.cmd

  • There are CSS-Boy, screens under areaDetector/tpx3App/op/ [TODO - update for serval 3.0.0].

Adjust chip thresholds

  • Optimize/equalize chips in the ‘count’ mode (not ToT)

  • Threshold fine increase is closer to noise (you get more counts)

  • Threshold fine decrease is away from noise, higher threshold in keV. (you get less counts)

  • These threshold settings can depend on X-ray energy.

  • After changing the thresholds take a background image to check that you do not get extra noise pixels.

CSS screens

The following is the CSS screen ADTimePix3.opi when controlling an ADTimePix3 camera.


The following are the CSS screens for features of ADTimePix3 detector


Serval 3.3.0 allows multiple raw streams (socket, .tpx3 file writing)


Neutron clusters
