- author:
Mark Rivers (University of Chicago), John Hammonds, Brian Tieman (Argonne National Laboratory)
This is an areaDetector driver for the flat-panel amorphous silicon detectors from Varex Imaging (previously Perkin Elmer).
The driver is based upon the XISL library provided by Perkin Elmer. It only runs on Microsoft Windows computers. It supports both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows.
This driver has been tested with the following detectors
XRD0820 with XRD-FG PCI frame grabber
XRD0822 with Gigabit Ethernet interface
XRD1621 with XRD-FGX PCI frame grabber
XRD1621 with XRD-FGe Opto PCI-Express frame grabber
XRPAD with Gigabit Ethernet interface
This driver inherits from ADDriver. It implements nearly all of the parameters in asynNDArrayDriver.h and in ADArrayDriver.h. It also implements a number of parameters that are specific to the Perkin Elmer cameras. The PerkinElmer class documentation describes this class in detail.
Implementation of standard driver parameters
The following table describes how the PerkinElmer driver implements some of the standard driver parameters.
Implementation of Parameters in asynNDArrayDriver.h and ADDriver.h, and EPICS Record Definitions in ADBase.template and NDFile.template |
EPICS record names |
Description |
NumImages |
Controls the number of images to acquire when ADImageMode is |
AcquireTime, AcquireTime_RBV |
When TriggerMode= When TriggerMode= When TriggerMode= When TriggerMode= |
TriggerMode, TriggerMode_RBV |
Sets the trigger mode for the detector. Options are:
See the Synchronization and triggering section below for more details about synchronization and triggering. |
ImageMode, ImageMode_RBV |
Sets the trigger mode for the detector. Options are:
PerkinElmer specific parameters
The PerkinElmer driver implements the following parameters in addition to those in asynNDArrayDriver.h and ADDriver.h.
Parameter Definitions in PerkinElmer.h and EPICS Record Definitions in PerkinElmer.template |
Description |
EPICS record names (preceeded with $(P)$(R)) |
EPICS record types |
Number of software frame buffers to use |
PENumFrameBuffers, PENumFrameBuffers_RBV |
longout, longin |
Initialize the detector |
PEInitialize |
bo |
Trigger record for soft trigger mode |
PETrigger |
bo |
Frame number from the hardware frame buffer for this image. Values go from 1 to 8. |
PEFrameBuffIndex |
longin |
Image number for this image in the software frame buffer array. |
PEImageNumber |
longin |
Gain selection in units of pF capacitance. Choices are 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, and 8. |
PEGain, PEGain_RBV |
mbbo, mbbi |
Synchronization mode. Choices are:
PESyncMode, PESyncMode_RBV |
mbbo, mbbi |
Offset corrections |
Number of frames to collect and average when collecting offset frames |
PENumOffsetFrames |
longout |
Current offset frame being collected when collecting offset frames |
PECurrentOffsetFrame |
longin |
Acquire offset frames |
PEAcquireOffset |
busy |
Set whether offset image is to be used. Choices are |
PEUseOffset |
bo |
Report whether offset image has been collected and is available for use. Choices
are |
PEOffsetAvailable |
bi |
An offset that is added to the image when the offset correction is performed. CorrectedImage = RawImage - OffsetImage + OffsetConstant. This constant should be used to prevent the CorrectedImage from having any negative pixel values, which would otherwise be clipped to 0. For efficiency this value is actually subtracted from the offset image as soon as it is collected, so it is then effectively added to each image when offset correction is done. This results in 2 restrictions:
PEOffsetContant, PEOffsetContant_RBV |
longout, longin |
Gain corrections |
Number of frames to collect and average when collecting gain frames |
PENumGainFrames |
longout |
Current gain frame being collected when collecting gain frames |
PECurrentGainFrame |
longin |
Acquire gain frames |
PEAcquireGain |
busy |
Set whether gain image is to be used. Choices are |
PEUseGain |
bo |
Report whether offset image has been collected and is available for use. Choices are:
PEGainAvailable |
bi |
File name for gain correction file |
PEGainFile |
waveform |
Save gain corrections to a file |
PESaveGainFile |
bo |
Load gain corrections from a file |
PELoadGainFile |
bo |
Bad pixel corrections |
Set whether bad pixel correction is to be used |
PEUsePixelCorrection |
bo |
Report whether pixel correction file has been set and is available for use |
PEPixelCorrectionAvailable |
bi |
File name for pixel correction file |
PEPixelFile |
waveform |
Directory where gain and pixel correction files should be stored |
PECorrectionsDir |
waveform |
Load pixel corrections from a file for use |
PELoadPixelCorrections |
bo |
Skip frames settings |
Set whether to skip initial PENumFramesToSkip frames from the detector on each acquisition. This can be used to discard the first frame which may contain data from before acquisition was started. |
PESkipFrames, PESkipFrames_RBV |
bo, bi |
Sets the number of initial frames from the detector to skip on each acquisition if PESkipFrames=1. |
PENumFramesToSkip, PENumFramesToSkip_RBV |
longout, longin |
Trigger output control |
Controls which signal appears on the trigger output connector. Choices are:
PETrigOutSignal, PETrigOutSignal_RBV |
mbbo, mbbi |
Trigger output EP length |
PETrigOutEPLength, PETrigOutEPLength_RBV |
longout, longin |
Trigger output EP first frame |
PETrigOutEPFirstFrame, PETrigOutEPFirstFrame_RBV |
longout, longin |
Trigger output EP last frame |
PETrigOutEPLastFrame, PETrigOutEPLastFrame_RBV |
longout, longin |
Trigger output EP delay 1 |
PETrigOutEPDelay1, PETrigOutEPDelay1_RBV |
longout, longin |
Trigger output EP delay 2 |
PETrigOutEPDelay2, PETrigOutEPDelay2_RBV |
longout, longin |
Trigger output DDD delay |
PETrigOutDDDDelay, PETrigOutDDDDelay_RBV |
longout, longin |
Trigger output edge. Choices are:
PETrigOutEdge, PETrigOutEdge_RBV |
mbbo, mbbi |
Unsupported standard driver parameters
The PerkinElmer driver does not support the following standard driver parameters because they are not supported in the PerkinElmer library:
Readout region (ADMinX, ADMinY, ADSizeX, ADSizeY)
Type/Color (NDDataType, NDColorMode)
File (None of the file parameters in NDFile)
No Hardware shutter control
Synchronization and triggering
The Perkin Elmer detectors support a number of acquisition modes which are controlled by the TriggerMode, SyncMode, and AcquireTime records. This is a simplified discussion, and the reader should consult the XIS software manual and the detector hardware manuals (e.g. 1621 hardware manual) for details.
The number of frames to be acquired is always controlled by the ImageMode=(Single, Multiple, or Continuous) and NumImages (if ImageMode=Multiple) records, regardless of the values of the TriggerMode, SyncMode, and AcquireTime records.
It is important to realize that the detector hardware is constantly acquiring a stream of frames even when the EPICS Acquire record is 0. The rate of this frame stream depends on the value of the TriggerMode:
Free Running
The frame rate is the maximum that the detector supports.TriggerMode=
The frame rate is controlled by an internal clock whose period is set to AcquireTime.TriggerMode=
The frame rate is controlled by the frequency of the external trigger pulses.TriggerMode=
Soft Trigger
The frame rate is controlled by the rate at which the PETrigger record is processed.
When SyncMode=Framewise and acquisition is started by setting Acquire=1
then the first frame that the EPICS driver collects is the next frame in
that frame stream. NOTE: this means that this frame probably started
exposing before Acquire was set to 1. This may not be desirable since
motors may have still been moving, or a shutter not yet opened. When
acquiring a sequence of images (ImageMode=Multiple) this would only
affect the first image in the sequence, which might be acceptable.
However, if doing a step-scan with ImageMode=Single it would affect
every image in the scan. There are two ways to handle this. One is to
use SyncMode=Framewise and set PENumFramesToSkip=1. This is quite
inefficient since on average it will have an overhead of AcquireTime/2,
and a worst case overhead of AcquireTime. A better approach is to set
FrameSync= DDD No Clear
, which adds a small overhead to each frame
(~0.1-0.2 seconds), but ensures that the exposure is started after
Acquire is set to 1.
TriggerMode=Free Running
In this mode the AcquireTime is ignored, and the detector runs at the maximum possible frame rate and a fixed minimum exposure time. SyncMode should be set to Framewise in this mode.
In this mode the behavior depends on the setting of SyncMode.
If SyncMode=
then the detector hardware is constantly acquiring a stream of images with a frame rate determined by the AcquireTime record, up to the maximum frame rate the detector is capable of. When Acquire is set to 1 then this driver begins acquiring the images and doing callbacks to plugins. This is the fastest way to run the detector with a user-programmable acquisition time. However, it suffers from the limitation described above that the first frame after Acquire is set to 1 actually was being exposed before Acquire was set to 1. This may not be desired, particularly when ImageMode=Single. NOTE: the XRPAD detectors cannot use this mode because they are limited to a single internal frame rate and the AcquireTime record has no effect in this mode.If SyncMode=
DDD No Clear
then the detector hardware is constantly acquiring a stream of images at the maximum possible frame rate. However, when Acquire is set to 1 this driver sends a software trigger to the detector. This causes the hardware to discard the next frame when it arrives and to start a new exposure with an exposure time of AcquireTime. When the frame completes then the driver sends the next software trigger in the frame callback function. When running in this mode there is no limitation on the first frame containing data from before Acquire was set to 1. It does have the limitation that there is additional overhead per frame, so the maximum frame rate is reduced. On the XRD1621 this overhead is ~0.2 second in 2048x2048 mode, and ~0.1 seconds in 1024x1024 mode. This mode is recommended when running with ImageMode=Single. If running with ImageMode=Multiple then this mode should be used if the first frame limitation described above is a problem. If the limitation ofDDD No Clear
mode on frame rate is more important than the limitation ofFramewise
mode on the first frame then one should use SyncMode=Framewise
In this mode the behavior also depends on the setting of SyncMode.
If SyncMode=
then the detector hardware is constantly acquiring a stream of images with a frame rate determined by the time between external trigger pulses, up to the maximum frame rate the detector is capable of. When Acquire is set to 1 then this driver begins acquiring the images and doing callbacks to plugins. This is the fastest way to run the detector with an external trigger. However, it has some potential problems. First, if the time between external triggers is not constant then the exposure time of the frames will be different. This can lead to serious data quality issues because the offset correction will not be correct. If the time between trigger pulses is constant then there is still a potential data quality problem if the offset images were not collected with exactly the time acquisition time, for example if they will collected with an TriggerMode=Internal and a slightly different acquisition time. Of course this is not an issue if the offset images are acquired with the same external trigger period used for the data images, but this may be difficult to arrange in practice.If SyncMode=
DDD No Clear
then the detector hardware is constantly acquiring a stream of images at the maximum possible frame rate. However, when an external trigger pulse is received this causes the hardware to discard the next frame when it arrives and to start a new exposure with an exposure time of AcquireTime. This mode thus allows acquiring for a fixed exposure time on each external trigger, rather than the time until the next trigger is received. This means that offset images can be simply collected with TriggerMode=Internal and the same AcquireTime. This mode does have the limitation that there is additional overhead per frame, so the maximum frame rate is reduced. The overhead is the same as described above for TriggerMode=Internal
, SyncMode=Framewise
TriggerMode=Soft Trigger
In this mode the behavior also depends on the setting of SyncMode.
If SyncMode=
then the detector hardware is constantly acquiring a stream of images with a frame rate determined by the time between software triggers from the PETrigger record, up to the maximum frame rate the detector is capable of. When Acquire is set to 1 then this driver begins acquiring the images and doing callbacks to plugins. This is the fastest way to run the detector with a software trigger. However, it has the same potential problems as TriggerMode=External
and SyncMode=Framewise
described above. In the case of software triggers the problem may be even more important if the time between software triggers has significant variation.If SyncMode=
DDD No Clear
then the detector hardware is constantly acquiring a stream of images at the maximum possible frame rate. However, when a software trigger is received this causes the hardware to discard the next frame when it arrives and to start a new exposure with an exposure time of AcquireTime. This mode thus allows acquiring for a fixed exposure time on each software trigger, rather than the time until the next software trigger is received. This means that offset images can be simply collected with TriggerMode=Internal
and the same AcquireTime. This mode does have the limitation that there is additional overhead per frame, so the maximum frame rate is reduced. The overhead is the same as described above for TriggerMode=Internal
, SyncMode=Framewise
It is important that the offset images are collected with the same
SyncMode as the data. If the offset images are collected with
SyncMode=Framewise and the data are collected with SyncMode= DDD No
then the offset correction will not be correct, even if both are
collected with the same AcquireTime. When using SyncMode= DDD No Clear
it is fine to collect the offset and data images with different values
of TriggerMode. For example the offset images could be collected with
TriggerMode= Internal
and the data images collected with TriggerMode= External
The PerkinElmer driver is created with the perkinElmerConfig command, either from C/C++ or from the EPICS IOC shell.
int PerkinElmerConfig(const char *portName, int IDType, const char* IDValue,
int maxBuffers, size_t maxMemory,
int priority, int stackSize )
For details on the meaning of the parameters to this function refer to the detailed documentation on the PerkinElmerConfig function in the PerkinElmer.cpp documentation and in the documentation for the constructor for the PerkinElmer class.
Example st.cmd startup file
The following startup script is provided with ADPerkinElmer.
< envPaths
# Prefix for all records
epicsEnvSet("PREFIX", "13PE1:")
# The port name for the detector
epicsEnvSet("PORT", "PEDET1")
# The queue size for all plugins
epicsEnvSet("QSIZE", "20")
# The maximim image width; used for row profiles in the NDPluginStats plugin
epicsEnvSet("XSIZE", "2048")
# The maximim image height; used for column profiles in the NDPluginStats plugin
epicsEnvSet("YSIZE", "2048")
# The maximum number of time seried points in the NDPluginStats plugin
epicsEnvSet("NCHANS", "2048")
# The maximum number of frames buffered in the NDPluginCircularBuff plugin
epicsEnvSet("CBUFFS", "500")
# The search path for database files
epicsEnvSet("EPICS_DB_INCLUDE_PATH", "$(ADCORE)/db")
# Create a PerkinElmer driver
# PerkinElmerConfig(const char *portName, IDType, IDValue, maxBuffers, size_t maxMemory, int priority, int stackSize)
# IDType = 0 Frame grabber card, IDValue="", use first frame grabber or directly connected GigE detector
# = 1 GigE detector by IP address (e.g.
# = 2 GigE detector by MAC address (e.g. 00005b032e6b, must be lower-case letters)
# = 3 GigE detector by detector name (e.g. 8#2608). Can get network detector names with asynReport(10)
# This is for the first PCI/PCIExpress frame grabber detector in the system
PerkinElmerConfig("$(PORT)", 0, "0", 0, 0, 0, 0)
# This is for the second PCI/PCIExpress frame grabber detector in the system
#PerkinElmerConfig("$(PORT)", 0, "1", 0, 0, 0, 0)
# This is for a GigE detector at IP address
#PerkinElmerConfig("$(PORT)", 1,, 0, 0, 0, 0)
# This is for a GigE detector at MAC address 00005b032e6b
#PerkinElmerConfig("$(PORT)", 2, 00005b032e6b, 0, 0, 0, 0)
# This is for a GigE detector with name 8#2608
#PerkinElmerConfig("$(PORT)", 3, 8#2608, 0, 0, 0, 0)
asynSetTraceIOMask($(PORT), 0, 2)
# Setting this to 9 to enable ASYN_TRACEIO_DRIVER and see XIS calls
#asynSetTraceMask($(PORT),0, 9)
# Create a standard arrays plugin, set it to get data from Driver.
NDStdArraysConfigure("Image1", 3, 0, "$(PORT)", 0)
# Set NELEMENTS to at least the total number of pixels in the detector. The following is a little larger than 4096 x 4096
dbLoadRecords("$(ADCORE)/db/NDStdArrays.template", "P=$(PREFIX),R=image1:,PORT=Image1,ADDR=0,TIMEOUT=1,NDARRAY_PORT=$(PORT),TYPE=Int16,SIZE=16,FTVL=SHORT,NELEMENTS=17000000")
# Load all other plugins using commonPlugins.cmd
< $(ADCORE)/iocBoot/commonPlugins.cmd
# save things every thirty seconds
create_monitor_set("auto_settings.req", 30, "P=$(PREFIX)")
MEDM screens
The following show the MEDM screens that are used to control the PerkinElmer detector. Note that the general purpose screen ADBase.adl can be used, but it exposes many controls that are not applicable to the PerkinElmer, and lacks some fields that are important for the PerkinElmer driver.
is the main screen used to control the PerkinElmer

Performance measurements
The following measurements were done to demonstrate the performance that can be obtained with the areaDetector PerkinElmer driver.
XRD1621 detector with the XRD-FGe Opto PCI-Express frame grabber
Can stream data continuously to local disk at 15 frames/s at 2048x2048 (120 MB/s) and 30 frames/s at 1024x1024 (60 MB/s). These tests were done on a Windows 7 64-bit machine with 2 disk drives (SAS, 15K RPM, RAID 0).
XRD0822 detector with a GigE interface
Can stream data continuously to local disk at 25 frames/s at 1024x1024 (50 MB/s) and 50 frames/s at 512x512 (25 MB/s). These tests were done on a Windows 7 64-bit laptop with a local disk drive.
The following are some current restrictions of the PerkinElmer driver:
Prior to R2-4 the driver only supported a single frame-grabber or directly connected GigE detector. This restriction was removed in R2-4.