areaDetector 3-14
EPICS areaDetector framework
►NAVT | |
►Nhdf5 | |
►Nlog4cxx | |
►NnEDChannel | |
Cacquire_data | |
Cacquisition_t | |
CADAravis | Aravis GigE detector driver |
CADCSimDetector | ADC simulation driver; does 1-D waveforms on 8 channels |
CADDriver | Class from which areaDetector drivers are directly derived |
CADEuresys | Main driver class inherited from areaDetectors ADDriver class |
CADGenICam | |
CADLambda | Class to wrap Lambda detector library provided by X-Spectrum |
CADnED | |
CADnEDFile | |
CADnEDPixelROI | Extract Regions-Of-Interest (ROI) from NDArray data; the plugin can be a source of NDArray callbacks for other plugins, passing these sub-arrays |
CADnEDTransform | Library of functions to use for transforming the time of flight value into another parameter (for example dspace) |
CADnEDTransformBase | ADnEDTransform base class |
CADPICam | Copyright (c) 2015, UChicago Argonne, LLC See LICENSE file |
CADPvCam | Driver for Roper (Photometrics and Princeton Instruments) cameras using the PvCam library |
CADPylon | Main driver class inherited from areaDetectors ADGenICam class |
CADPylonCameraEventHandler | Pylon camera event handler |
CADPylonConfigurationEventHandler | Pylon camera configuration event handler |
CADPylonImageEventHandler | Pylon image grabber event handler |
Cadsc | Driver for ADSC detectors (Q4, Q4r, Q210, Q210r, Q270, Q315, Q315r) |
CAdscSensor_t | ADSC sensor structure |
CADSpinnaker | Main driver class inherited from areaDetectors ADDriver class |
CADSpinnakerImageEventHandler | |
CADTimePix | |
CADVimba | Main driver class inherited from areaDetectors ADGenICam class |
CADVimbaCameraListObserver | |
CADVimbaFrameObserver | |
Candor3 | Driver for Andor sCMOS cameras using version 3 of their SDK; inherits from ADDriver class in ADCore |
CAndorADCSpeed_t | Structure defining an ADC speed for the ADAndor driver |
CAndorCCD | Driver for Andor CCD cameras using version 2 of their SDK; inherits from ADDriver class in ADCore |
CAndorPreAmpGain_t | Structure defining a pre-amp gain for the ADAndor driver |
CAndorVSPeriod_t | |
CaravisCamera | Aravis GigE detector driver |
CarvFeature | |
CasynNDArrayDriver | This is the class from which NDArray drivers are derived; implements the asynGenericPointer functions for NDArray objects |
CbadPixDimInfo_t | |
CbadPixel | Bad pixel structure for Pilatus detector |
Cbin_lookup | |
CBISDetector | Driver for Bruker BIS ccd detector using their BIS server over TCP/IP socket |
CBusManager | A singleton class that keep a list of the (configured) cameras on the bus |
CcameraNode | |
CcamLinkedList | |
CcamList_t | |
CcamNode_t | |
CCCDMultiTrack | Area Detector class enabling multi-ROI driver for the Andor CCD |
CCircularBuffer | |
CCodec_t | |
CCROP_t | |
Cdc1394_colorCodeString_t | |
CDexela | Driver for the Perkin Elmer Dexela CMOS flat panel detectors |
Ceiger_min_max_t | |
CeigerDetector | |
CEigerParam | |
CEigerParamSet | |
CenumStruct_t | |
CEuresysFeature | |
CExposeDataTask | A task that periodically executes the data exposure method of the plugin |
CFastCCD | Driver class for FastCCD CCD |
CfeatureInfo | |
CFFMap | |
CffmpegFile | Writes NDArrays to a ffmpeg file |
CffmpegStream | Take an array source and compress it and serve it as an mjpeg stream |
CfftPvt_t | |
Cfile_t | |
CFileList | |
CFirewireDCAM | Main driver class inherited from areaDetectors ADDriver class |
CFirewireWinDCAM | Main driver class inherited from areaDetectors ADDriver class |
CFrameAccumulator16 | |
CFrameAccumulator32 | |
CfreeListElement | |
CfreeNDArray | |
CFromThreadMessage_t | |
CfunctAttribute | Attribute that gets its value from a user-defined function The updateValue() method for this class retrieves the current value from the function |
Cfwtooloptions_t | |
CGCFeatureStruct_t | |
CGenICamFeature | |
CGenICamFeatureSet | |
CGErrorHelper | |
Chamamatsu | Hamamatsu detector driver |
CjpegDestMgr | Expanded data destination object for JPEG output |
CLightField | Driver for Princeton Instruments cameras using the LightField Automation software |
Cmar345 | Driver for mar345 online image plate detector; communicates with the mar345dtb program over a TCP/IP socket |
CmarCCD | Driver for marCCD (Rayonix) CCD detector; communicates with the marCCD program over a TCP/IP socket with the marccd_server_socket program that they distribute |
CmerlinDetector | Driver for Dectris merlin pixel array detectors using their Labview server over TCP/IP socket |
CmpxConnection | |
CMultiParameter | |
CMutexLocker | |
CmyGrabber | |
Cmythen | Driver for sls array detectors using over TCP/IP socket |
CNDArray | N-dimensional array class; each array has a set of dimensions, a data type, pointer to data, and optional attributes |
CNDArrayInfo | Structure returned by NDArray::getInfo |
CNDArrayPool | Manages a free list (pool) of NDArray objects |
CNDArrayRing | |
CNDAttribute | NDAttribute class; an attribute has a name, description, source type, source string, data type, and value |
CNDAttributeList | NDAttributeList.h |
CNDAttributeListNode | Structure used by the EPICS ellLib library for linked lists of C++ objects |
CNDAttrValue | Union defining the values in an NDAttribute object |
CNDDimension | Structure defining a dimension of an NDArray |
CNDDriverStdArrays | |
CNDFileHDF5 | Writes NDArrays in the HDF5 file format; an XML file can control the structure of the HDF5 file |
CNDFileHDF5AttributeDataset | |
CNDFileHDF5Dataset | Class used for writing a Dataset with the NDFileHDF5 plugin |
CNDFileJPEG | Writes NDArrays in the JPEG file format, which is a lossy compression format |
CNDFileMagick | Writes NDArrays to files using the GraphicsMagick library; can write many different file formats |
CNDFileNetCDF | Writes NDArrays to files in the netCDF file format |
CNDFileNexus | Writes NDArrays in the NeXus file format |
CNDFileNull | Writes NDArrays in the Null file format |
CNDFileTIFF | Writes NDArrays in the TIFF file format |
CNDGatherNDArraySource_t | |
CNDMask | See .cpp file for more documentation |
CNDOverlay | Structure defining an overlay |
CNDOverlayPvt_t | |
CNDPluginAttribute | Extract an Attribute from an NDArray and publish the value (and array of values) over channel access |
CNDPluginAttrPlot | AD plugin that saves attribute values from recieved NDArrays |
CNDPluginBadPixel | |
CNDPluginCircularBuff | Performs a scope like capture |
CNDPluginCodec | |
CNDPluginColorConvert | Convert NDArrays from one NDColorMode to another |
CNDPluginDriver | Class from which actual plugin drivers are derived; derived from asynNDArrayDriver |
CNDPluginEdge | Does image processing operations |
CNDPluginFFT | Compute FFTs on signals |
CNDPluginFile | Base class for NDArray file writing plugins; actual file writing plugins inherit from this class |
CNDPluginGather | A plugin that subscribes to callbacks from multiple ports, not just a single port |
CNDPluginMask | |
CNDPluginOverlay | Overlay graphics on top of an image |
CNDPluginOverlayTextFontBitmapStruct | |
CNDPluginProcess | Does image processing operations |
CNDPluginPva | Converts NDArray callback data into EPICS V4 NTNDArray data and exposes it as an EPICS V4 PV |
CNDPluginROI | Extract Regions-Of-Interest (ROI) from NDArray data; the plugin can be a source of NDArray callbacks for other plugins, passing these sub-arrays |
CNDPluginROIStat | Compute statistics on ROIs in an array |
CNDPluginScatter | A plugin that does callbacks in round-robin fashion rather than passing every NDArray to every callback client |
CNDPluginStats | Does image statistics |
CNDPluginStdArrays | Converts NDArray callback data into standard asyn arrays (asynInt8Array, asynInt16Array, asynInt32Array, asynInt64Array, asynFloat32Array or asynFloat64Array); normally used for putting NDArray data in EPICS waveform records |
CNDPluginTimeSeries | Compute time series on signals |
CNDPluginTransform | Perform transformations (rotations, flips) on NDArrays |
CNDPosPlugin | |
CNDPosPluginFileReader | |
CNDROI | Structure defining a Region-Of-Interest and Stats |
CNDStats | |
CNTNDArrayConverter | |
CNTNDArrayInfo | |
CNTNDArrayRecord | |
CparamAttribute | Attribute that gets its value from an asynNDArrayDriver driver parameter |
CParameter | |
CParameterBase | |
Cpco | Pco.cpp Area Detector Driver for PCO cameras that use Camera Link Inherite ADCameraLink to provide Image Grabbing functions |
Cpco_command | Inline class to create a binary command to be sent to pco cameras over serial port |
Cpco_response | Class to define a single binary response from pco cameras, received over serial port |
CpcoEdgePlugin | Enums for plugin-specific parameters |
CPerkinElmer | Driver for the Perkin Elmer flat panel amorphous silicon detectors |
CPhotonII | Driver for Bruker Photon II detector using their p2util server over TCP/IP socket |
CpilatusDetector | Driver for Dectris Pilatus pixel array detectors using their camserver server over TCP/IP socket |
Cpipe_fd | |
Cpix_lookup | |
CpixelCoordinate | |
Cpixirad | Driver for PiXirad pixel array detectors using their server server over TCP/IP socket |
CpointGrey | Main driver class inherited from areaDetectors ADDriver class |
Cprosilica | Driver for Prosilica GigE and CameraLink cameras using their PvApi library |
CPSL | Driver for Photonic Sciencies Ltd |
CpvaDriver | |
CPVAttribute | Attribute that gets its value from an EPICS PV |
CPylonFeature | |
CQImage | |
CReadOnlyParameter | |
Crequest | |
Cresponse | |
CRestAPI | |
Croper | Driver for Roper (Princeton Instrument and Photometrics) cameras using the COM interface to WinView or WinSpec |
CRunConfiguration | |
CsettingMap | |
Cshamrock | Driver for Andor Shamrock spectrographs |
CsimDetector | Simulation detector driver; demonstrates most of the features that areaDetector drivers can support |
Csocket | |
CsortedListElement | |
CSpecsAnalyser | |
CSPFeature | |
Cstream_frame | |
Cstream_header_t | |
Cstream_job_t | |
Cstream_worker_t | |
CStreamAPI | |
CtagROIinfo | |
CThrottler | |
CToThreadMessage_t | |
CURLDriver | URL driver; reads images from URLs, such as Web cameras and Axis video servers, but also files, etc |
CVimbaFeature | |
CxcamCamera | |
CxPCO_Description | Aps designed struct based on PCO SDK |